Chapter 44

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PREVIOUSLY: "I can't believe how fast it happened. You guys only had an hour alone," Christina commented. Ellody smiled and twirled her hair around her finger.

"Me neither," she sighed happily.

 "Light's out?" Zach asked. Ellody nodded and snuggled under his covers, giggling. He grinned and switched the light off, jumping on the bed next to her.

"It's so cold," she giggled. Zach laughed and pulled all the sheets off her, making her scream and attack him. "Zachary Dean Herron, give me the warmth back!" Ellody shrieked. She waited a few seconds before pouncing on him and tugging at the blankets, giggling. Zach pushed her off and rolled onto her, and they paused for a second. Zach panted slowly, the trace of a laugh on his face, but there was something more. Ellody's heart quickened, and she imagined what would happen if he kissed her. Their faces were inches apart. Ellody wanted to close the distance so badly, but he was in a relationship. He couldn't cheat. Kay would tell the world and everyone would hate him. And Ellody.

"Sorry," he mumbled and pushed himself back, sitting on his knees at her feet. Ellody frowned, hoping the darkness would hide her disappointment.

"Oh, it's fine," she muttered. She sat up as he tossed her some of the giant blanket. "Thanks."

"You're welcome," he sighed and crawled back to his side of the bed. Ellody bit her lip as she sunk into the pillows, wondering what was going through his mind, and if he really was sorry that they'd almost kissed.



And suddenly he was on top of her, and he was so out of breath that he nearly fell on her. But she was looking at him kinda funny, and Zach remembered Kay.

"Sorry," he mumbled. Zach pushed himself as far from Ellody as he could get, stopping at the edge of the bed.

"Oh, it's fine," Ellody mumbled. She looked cold, so he threw the blanket on her. "Thanks," she said. Zach waited for her to say something else, something that would make him forget about Kay, but there was nothing.

"You're welcome," he added, deciding that there was nothing better to do than to go to sleep. Zach crawled to his side and pulled the covers up to his neck, wishing that he could take back the last few seconds and do it differently.



Sunlight drifted through the blinds, attacking her closed eyelids. Ellody rolled over and touched something warm. She blinked a few times before her eyes landed on Zach's back, which she quickly pulled her arm away from, but he was already rolling over.

"Your hands are cold," he mumbled. Ellody smiled at him as he blinked himself awake.

"Kinda, yeah," she whispered. His hands took hers slowly and he hid them under the blankets.

"Better?" Zach whispered.

"Better," she sighed. He closed his eyes and started to breathe heavily, meaning he was back asleep already. Ellody wished her eyes could take photos - he was so cute, lying there with his lips slightly parted and bright red cheeks, like a child on a cold day. She wanted to kiss him and hold him in her arms, but holding hands was the best she could ask for.

There was a knock at the door, and Ellody wished that whoever it was would disappear.

"Guys, we have to go soon," Corbyn called. Ellody frowned, wondering what he could possibly mean. Not another beach day?

"Corbyn, can you get our suitcases? They're too heavy for me," Christina yelled. Ellody sat up, alarmed. Suitcases?

"Oh, shoot. What day is it?" Zach asked. Ellody flinched, realising he was also awake.

"Um... Sunday?" she guessed randomly. Zach bit his lip and pulled his hands away from Ellody, reaching for his phone.

"No, no, no, why didn't they wake me up?" he pouted, shrugging off the blanket and walking to the door. He closed it behind him leaving Ellody confused. She followed him out, checking her appearance on the way. Oh yeah, I'm wearing his shirt. What would Kay say if she saw me right now?

"What's going on?" Ellody asked as she pulled the door open. Her eyes landed on Christina and, to her surprise, Tatum. "Tate?" she said loudly. Christina put a finger to her lips in alarm and shoved Tate and Ellody into Zach's room, snapping the door shut. Ellody stood in shock, staring at the door unable to comprehend what was happening.

"Hey, Ellody!" she grinned.

"What... are you doing here? Why is everyone packing up?" she asked. Tate yawned, stretching her arms above her head.

"Hasn't anyone told you? The guys go back on tour today, and we're going with them. Kind of. Just to one concert, because I know you have school," Tate explained. Ellody stared at her in confusion.

"When did I agree to this?" Ellody blurted. Tate laughed and pulled out her phone.

"It can't be that hard to agree, their concert is in Colorado," she explained. Ellody raised her eyebrows, unable to believe what she was hearing. The bathroom door opened behind them, and both girls spun around to see Zach, a towel wrapped around his waist.

"What are you doing here?" Zach said suddenly. Tatum clapped a hand over her eyes, feeling for the door handle.

"I didn't see anything, I swear," she said, pushing the door open. Tate ran out of the room and ran straight into Jonah, her eyes still closed. "Oh, sorry!" she added loudly. Ellody's eyes widened, and Tate opened her eyes.

"Um, hey Tate, I didn't realise you were... coming today," Jonah stuttered. Tatum jumped back from him and almost fell on Ellody.

"Oh, sorry Ellody! Uh, yeah I'm here to fly back to Denver with Christina and Ellody," Tate explained.

"Are you two staying with me?" Ellody asked. Tate turned around and bit her lip and raised her eyebrows.

"Can we?" Tate said, smiling. She knew Ellody couldn't say no.

"I'll ask my mum," Ellody giggled. She backed into Zach's room and closed the door.

"What's going on?" Zach asked. Ellody grabbed her suitcase and unzipped it, starting to randomly throw her stuff inside.

"We're leaving soon, I'm guessing. Tate and Christina are staying with me, and you guys are going back on tour?" Ellody shrugged. Zach looked like he was having a lightbulb moment, sudden recognition flooding his face.

"Is it Sunday already?" he frowned. Ellody grinned at his astonished face and nodded.

"Yeah, we've been over this," she giggled. He walked into his wardrobe to get changed, and Ellody collected her toiletries from the ensuite. A packet of bath bombs sat forgotten on the edge of the tub, but there were only two left. She picked them up, fruity smells attacking her nostrils. Gross, Kay must have left them behind.

"Those are Kay's, you can have them if you want. I'm not sure when she'll be here next, or when I'll see her next," Zach admitted. Ellody decided to take them, purely because she didn't want to leave a trace of Kay in this house. It was stupid, but something in Ellody's gut was urging her to take them.

"If you're sure," she sighed, tucking them in her suitcase. 

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