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I was laying on my bed, stomach down, writing in my notebook. It's been a few weeks since I started my third year at UA High, it's been very emotional.

I will never forget what happened three months ago, none of us will...

My eyes started to get heavy, stopped writing and put my pen down. I rested my head on my hand and notebook, and drifted into sleep.

It was pitch black at first, then I saw a dim light. It looked orange and slightly red, like a sunset and my heart sank. I knew where I was, it was three months ago...

It was a burning summer night as Uraraka and I walked around Hosu City, just talking.

' " How are you doing, Uraraka? I know you and Deku split up recently..." I trailed off.

She stopped walking down the sidewalk and turned to me, her eyes glazed.

"I'm doing okay, Ariella. Still struggling, but somewhat better. Deku, on the other hand, had a breakdown."

"Is he okay now?"

She shook her head, "I don't know. He won't even look at me anymore..."

I put my hand on her shoulder, "I'm so sorry! I wish I could help you out, Uraraka."

She gave a small smile, "You are already, Ariella. Walking and talking with you is helping."

I gave one back, "Good, I'm always here for you."

"I know. It's funny, I never thought he and I would split."

"Can I ask what happened? Or is that too soon?"

"Nah, it's okay, I was the one that split us."

My eyes went wide, "It was you? I thought it was Deku... Well, Bakugou said it was."

Her hand twitched, "Don't listen to that ass! But yes, it was me. I had a feeling something was off when he said he loved me..." she trailed off.

"He said he loved you?" I asked she nodded.

My heart pained. Why her and not me? We've been childhood friends since forever...

"He did, but it didn't feel like he meant it."


"I--" she was cut off by the sound of a garbage can be knocked over, we turned.

"What was that?"

"I don't know, let's check it out," Uraraka said I nodded.

We headed down the nearest alley then. Sure enough, it was just a garbage can knocked over. We saw nothing else near it. We looked around, still nothing.

Uraraka turned to me, "Huh, that's strange."

"Maybe it was an animal? I don't see anything else."

She brought her hand to her chin, "Maybe... I'm getting a weird vibe.

Another can was knocked over then, we jumped. Not an animal...

We both got into fighting stances. Uraraka was about to say something when she was slammed face down into the ground.


"Found you!" came a girl's voice, I jumped back.

I looked around, then I saw her. She had Uraraka pinned down, her needles pointing right her. I was met with eerie yellow eyes.

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