Tag, You're It

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He came running for me as the store's lights started to flicker, his eyes wide.

I was sitting in the middle of the floor as the freezer's coldness lingered around us. I didn't look at him, I was too scared from what I saw and he knelt down next to me.

"What's going on, Ariella! Is it the storm?"

I shook my head, "No, it's not, it was the window."

"Window? What are you talking about?"

I finally turned, "I saw something. Remember you heard something out in the trees?"

"Yeah... And?"

"Well, whatever you heard was right in the window staring at me!"

"You can't be serious, Ariella. What was it then?"

"It wasn't a 'what', Deku! It was a who! It was my dad, he's stalking me!"

His expression went from worried to anger. "Damn it, I knew it!

I slowly got up and closed the freezer door shut. I headed over to the window and peeked out, I saw nothing. Just rain, lightning, and the whipping wind.

I turned, "Y-you knew? Now I'm confused!"

"I'll tell you later. Right now, we need to go back to the dorms," he said seriously.

I nodded, "O-okay..." and we finished shopping and ran out.

Rain poured down on us as we ran to the dorms. Again, he held my hand the whole way. I couldn't stop looking back behind us to see if Dad was gonna show up, he didn't.

Deku tugged on my arm to keep me moving, I turned back to him and we ran on. We made it back to the dorms, opened its doors, and ran in. We fell to our knees, breathing heavily as the groceries spilled onto the floor.

Everyone came running over, their eyes wide.

"What the hell happened? Is the storm that bad?" asked Kirishima.

"It looks like it. I mean, those were some nasty lightning strikes," added Kaminari.

I looked up, "Nothing happened. It was the storm, we got caught up in it."

"Yeah, that storm is not friendly," Deku added.

"Okay... So, Uhm, why are you two holding hands then?" Ashido asked.

Our cheeks burned with embarrassment, forgetting we were still holding hands and we let go instantly.

I lied, "It was an accident! I slipped before we got in and Deku helped me up. He just forgot he was holding my hand still when we came in."

"That's a fucking lie! You were holding hands before you came in, I saw!" Bakugou snapped, my cheeks burned hotter.

I looked to where his voice came from, he was at the windows.

"You're such a fucking creep, Bakugou!" I snapped back.

He came over to us, giving Deku and me his famous death glare.

"I am not! For the last time stop calling me that, Ariella!"

"Leave her alone, Kacchan! That's exactly what happened, leave it at that!" Deku snapped.

He got up and took a step to Bakugou, leaving the food all over. Bakugou was still glaring at him, jealousy beaming in their eyes, I hung my head.

Their jealousy is so painfully obvious! I don't know how much more I can take...

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