Fear Factor

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I sprinted down the sidewalk, not caring that I've already bathed from being out in this earlier. Rain poured down, soaking my entire body through and through as lightning flashed behind me.

That was not my imagination! I know that was him!

I sprinted faster as the wind pushed me around. Tree branches were breaking off behind me after every step I took, and I came to a complete stop.

My heart was on fire, I doubled over and fell to my knees near the trees. I was breathing heavily and slowly got back up. My arm was grabbed from behind, yanking me back.

"Ariella! What the hell are you doing?!"

It was Deku, he was holding me. I felt his chest pressed against my back through his soaked shirt, my cheeks flushed.

He's so warm...

I elbowed him, "Let me go! I saw him he was right here, Deku!"

He held tighter, "Who was? Who the hell are you talking about?"

"MY DAD!" and I was let go.

I turned to face him as anger filled his eyes, he clenched his fists.

"Damn it! Soon as I saw you beeline it for the door, I just knew."

"That's why I ran out, I've had it with him! He's ruined my life enough!" I snapped.

"You at least should have taken me or Kacchan with you!"

I clenched my fists, "NO! I need to face him myself, I told you I can't do that to you!"

"Stop saying that!" he snapped, I stared at him.

My eyes went wide as his went from anger to regret. He unclenched his fists, reached for mine, and held them tight. My heart rate went up again, but not with anger this time.

"I'm sorry, Deku. But I--" he cut me off, staring back at me.

"Stop, Ariella. I'm sticking with you, nothing you say or do will make me leave. I wasn't able to protect you then, but I can now."

My cheeks flushed harder as he stared deep into my eyes, he was serious. I unclenched my fists under his hands, turned them over, and entwined our fingers. A slight blush crept onto his cheeks.

The rain slowed for now, but thunder still rumbled on as lightning struck around us, I squeezed his hands.



I gave a small smile, "Your right, you can protect me now."

Just as he was about to respond, I was forcefully yanked back. Our hands ripped apart from each other, knocking us down. Deku fell back onto the sidewalk while I got slammed into it.

"Ariella!" he shouted.

My back hit it hard enough, I swear I heard a cracking sound. My body screamed in pain as I looked up and was overcome by rage.

It was Dad, he was kneeling right next to me.

"If it isn't my darling daughter! I see you're still hanging around with him, too!" he pointed at Deku.

I sat up, my body screaming, "So fucking what? He's my best friend!"

He pushed me back down and held me there, I squirmed. Anger and possession filled his eyes as my rage continued to burn my very core.

"Don't use that language with me!"

"Damn it, let her go!" Deku shouted.

A strike of green lightning hit Dad's hands and I was able to move. He was knocked back into the grass as I crawled over to Deku, my body aching. I stood up quickly and helped him out and we turned, Dad was already up and raging.

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