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Soon as we got in I went straight for my room to put my stuff away. Once I got there, I sat on my bed and brought my hand to my chest.

My heart was racing. Was it just from Deku? Or that golden shimmer?

I turned to my window and looked out it. I scanned the yard for any sign of that shimmer, but all I saw was grass.

"Am I losing my mind?" I said out loud.

"Probably, you scream and yell enough." came a voice.

I jumped, what the hell!

I turned from the window to the door, Bakugou was standing there.

"What the fuck, Bakugou! Don't just show up out of nowhere!"

He glared, "I can do whatever the hell I want to!"

I fumed, "Whatever! What do you want?"

"Why are you looking out your window? You were staring out there pretty hard."

I crossed my arms, "Why do you care? I was just staring at birds."

He came into my room, walked over to my bed, and stared at me. He was trying to read me, my cheeks burned.

"Can you not stare at me! You look like a fucking creep."

"You're lying, you saw something out there. You saw it before you came in too."

"How the hell do you know that? Were you watching Deku and me?!"

He backed up a bit as a slight blush crept to his face. What the...?

"Like hell I was!" he snapped.

I glared, "You were! Why the hell for!?"

He was about to say something when I heard more footsteps coming down the hall, it was Deku.

He came into my room too, looked at me then to Bakugou. There was slight jealousy in his eyes. Huh?

"Kacchan? What are you doing here?"

"He was just leaving!" I snapped.

He glared at us, "Whatever!" and stormed off.

Deku looked after him then back to me, his eyes normal.

"What was he doing here? Did he hurt you?" he asked worriedly.

"No, he didn't do anything. He just wanted to ask me something."

"Right... Anyway, I was looking for you. I made us some lunch."

I smiled, "You did? That sounds great!"

He blushed, "Thanks, Ariella!"

My heart skipped a beat and I brought my hand up to the necklace. I got up from the bed, walked over to him and we headed out to the kitchen.

That was the weirdest thing ever...

Thursday Night came and I got into bed but didn't sleep. I took out my notebook and continued writing my story I've been working on. It's about a hero girl assassin, she has a mission to kill a king.

I didn't realize how late it was until my eyes got heavy. I closed my notebook, putting it on my desk. My necklace caught my eye, I grabbed it and fell asleep with it in my hand.

It was dark and dreary at the start, then it turned into a room. Not my school dorm bedroom, it was my home one.

I was sitting up against my dresser, it was another day of abuse and it was the worst one. It was also the same day I got my necklace...

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