Shattered Glass

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My hand was grabbed then, I turned and looked through my bloody tears. Deku was staring back at me with hurt green eyes, I pulled my hand back.


"What the hell, Ariella!" he snapped.

I glared, "Don't you even! You wanted me to do that just as much as Bakugou did! I can't believe you'd even think that I didn't love you!"

"What else was I suppose to do?!"

"Trust me! You don't have the right to be mad, you both said you wouldn't after!"

Deku shot up from my bed, doing the exact same thing Bakugou did and clenched his fists tight. Tears started to fall down his cheeks as mine got worse, turning a dark red.

"I know what I said, Ariella! That doesn't mean it didn't hurt! I didn't think you'd actually do it..!"

I jumped up from my bed and stood right in front of him, my fists clenched just like his. My tee ripped, exposing my breasts, as my wings busted out of my back, breaking my heart.

"Then why even say it, Deku! Do you want me to prove it to you too?!"

He said nothing and turned away from me. Tears ran down his cheeks as he clenched his fists tighter, his green lightining starting to form around them.

"Look at me!" again nothing.

That's it!

I unclenched my fists and placed my hands over his, they were shaking. His green lightning dimmed a bit, but not completely. I squeezed his fists tight and brought my face close to his.

"I'm not going to ask again. Please look at me, Deku..." I said quietly.

Slowly he turned back to look and unclenched his fists. Soon as he saw me, his lightning disappeared and he stopped crying, his eyes went wide.

"A-Ariella, why are you-!?"

I cut him off with a kiss, don't talk right now!

He was startled for a split second then kissed me back. I dropped my hands from his and threw them around his neck. His arms went around my back, pulling me into him, pressing my bare chest against his clothed one.

A tingling sensation came over me, causing my tears and wings to vanish. My legs started walking on their own, and I was pushed back into the bed. My legs responded, brought themselves up onto it as Deku came with still kissing me.

Once we were on the bed, I laid back down as he put himself over me, bringing his hands from my back to right next to my head. His kiss became more passionate and wanting, causing my body to crave even more of him.

It feels so good..! I couldn't control myself anymore and I reached for his shirt.

Soon as I grabbed it, Deku froze, grabbed my  hand and started to pull away.

No, don't stop....

Slowly I opened my eyes, only to be met with worried green ones.

"What's wrong, Deku? Did I do something wrong...?"


He got off me and sat down as I sat up, covering my chest with my right arm. I crawled over to him then and reached for his hand with my free one.

"Then what is it?"

He turned to me, "Do you realize what could of just happened?"

I was confused, of course I knew.

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