The Golden Shimmer

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I sat straight up and flung the picture to the ground, it broke.

"Uraraka, wait!" and I was blinded by the light.

I looked around for the clock. It was right on the end table, it was 6:30 am. I looked out my window, the sun started to come up as the trees moved with the breeze.

I got up off my bed and picked up the broken picture frame.

Tears stung my eyes as I picked out the glass from it, putting them on my desk.

How did she do that?

I took the picture out, staring at it. It was the exact beach that was in the dream, she even got our summer dresses right. Mine was red and hers was pink, this was taken back in June.

There was a knock on my door, it was Mom.


"May I come in?"

"Of course." and she did.

She came over and looked down at the broken glass scattered on the floor.

She looked at me, "What on earth happened, Ariella! Are you alright?"

I looked up from the picture to her and nodded.

"I'm fine. I hit the end table when I woke up and the picture fell face first, it broke."

"Alright... I heard you yell Uraraka's name. Did you have the nightmare again?"

"I had a nightmare but not of her, it was dad. Then it turned to a happy dream..."

"How did that happen?" she asked.

"I don't know, I guess I thought of her while I slept. I ended up with her on a beach, the one in this picture." I held out to her.

She took it, "I remember that day, it was a very beautiful one."

"In the dream, I asked her why she brought me there, but then she started crying."

Mom looked at me, "She was crying? Did she say anything else?"

"She was about to, then I woke up."

She handed the picture back, "Ah, I see. Are you hungry? I can make us some breakfast."

I nodded, "I am, let me just get dressed and I'll meet you out there."

"Sounds good." and she was gone.

She closed the door behind as she left and I got ready. I put on a simple tank top, shorts, and tied my hair up into a ponytail.

I grabbed my necklace off the end table and put it on as well, I put my hand over the butterfly.

I will never forget when Deku gave it to me...

"Are you ready yet?" Mom called from the kitchen, I dropped my hand.

"I'll be out in a second!" and headed out.

Mom was cooking up some eggs and toast, she had a pot of tea already on the kitchen table. I went into the cabinets and took out two plates, silverware, and two cups.

I went over to the table and set them up, Mom turned to me.

"How are your classmates doing? I know that's a lot to ask."

I gave a small smile, "They're doing okay, we're all handling it differently."

She brought over the skillet of eggs, a plate of toast, and set them down. She sat down then, as did I.

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