Broken Promises

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On and on I ran, running into anything possible and not caring until I tripped. I landed face down in the gravel,  smashed my hands into it and sat up.

"Damn it! Can this day get any worse!" I shouted out, crossing my arms.

"I'll make it worse for you!" Bakugou snapped.

I dug my nails into my arms and looked up for his voice. He was right next to me, I wiped my eyes and glared.

"Go ahead! It's not like you haven't already!"

"ME!? You're the one who got us kicked out!"

"That was your fault, you ass! None of this would have happened if we just trained like we should of! But no, you had to talk!"

He glared, "I have the right to talk if I want too!"

"So do all of us! Why did you say that! I told you not too and you did anyway!"

Tears formed again, I turned from him. He promised he wouldn't...

"I didn't think you'd go full-blown crazy!"

I was angry again, I felt it burning through me and my tears turned red. I dropped my arms, stood up, and looked up at him. I stared right into his crimson eyes, he took a step back.

"You want crazy? I'll show you fucking crazy!"

I took a step toward him, he took another one back. I brought my arms up, aiming right at him, he got into his fighting stance.

"I'll kill you! I'm stronger than you and you know it!"

"I don't give a fuck! I am not crazy! I saw what I did and had a major flashback! You promised you'd never say a thing about that again!"

"What the hell did you want me to say?!"

"Anything but that! You promised me, Bakugou!"

My wings busted out of my back as I took another step. He stood his ground, bringing his arms up.

"Why did you even tell me anyway, Ariella?!"

I froze mid-step, brought my arms down as my tears eased back to normal.

I never did tell him the reason...

I sighed and my wings faded, I turned away from him. He saw, brought his arms down and took a step toward me.

"Are you gonna tell me or not!"

I turned back, my cheeks stained red from crying so much.

"I had to... I couldn't tell Deku, I just couldn't."


After we got back to the dorms, we went straight for our rooms and slammed our doors shut. I went straight for my bed, laid down, and faced the window.

I sighed, the whole way back to school we said nothing. Even after I told him why he still didn't say anything, just stormed off and left me. I even tried running into him but again, he ignored me.

There's something weird going on with those two...

The reason I told Bakugou, was because I couldn't bring myself to tell Deku. I care about him so much and I know he cares about me, but he was quirkless as a kid.

He wouldn't have been able to protect me if he could, and I ended up telling Bakugou instead. I never had a close girlfriend as a kid, not until I met Uraraka and Asui. I never told them either.

I couldn't keep telling my mom, she would get abused too. And all she was doing was protecting me.

So, I was left with those two, that's why my dad abused me. He was a good dad at first, but when I became friends with them. He became a completely different person, it was like he wanted no one else to have me.

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