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"Uh, Uraraka?"

She smirked, "You two have had sex, right?"

My cheeks went crimson, "Uraraka!"

"You did! Oh I knew it! It like just happened didn't it? Tell me, tell me!"

I backed up a bit from her, she was going crazy for details, I couldn't help it and busted out laughing.

"Okay, okay! Yes, it did just happened, tonight actually."

She squealed, "Oh my god! Tell me how it happened, please!"

I laughed harder, "Okay! Calm down and I will!"

She took a deep breath and calmed herself, I slowed my laughing.

"Honestly, it started out with him giving me a simple massage."

"Oh, he's good at doing that, I'd know." she stuck her tongue out.

I rolled my eyes, "That's what he said. That's not what really made it happen though, he talked to me about my wings."

She gave me a look, "Your wings?"

I nodded and held out my wrist to her, she looked down and her eyes went wide.

"Our bracelets! Why are you wearing them now?"

"After school today, I did some solo training. I upgraded my hero costume and added the bracelets to them, with each of your quirks."

"No way! How is that possible?"

"I think I got a hint of your quirks when we did our double moves."

"Woah. Anyway, back to your wings."

I smiled, "When I did mine and Deku's double move, he saw it with out my knowledge," I started.

She was getting impatient, "Yeah and?"

"He told me that, he said they were beautiful. They were still red but only the outline of them and the inside of them, was a shinning sea green."

I blushed thinking back to him saying that, I hugged my knees tighter.

"Oh my god, Ariella! That's so him! So that's what made it happen?"

I nodded, "Yeah and I wasn't scared. Not once did the thought of my assault pop in my head."

She hugged me tight, "That's amazing! I knew I could trust you to take care of him..." she trailed off.

I was about to say something when a huge crash shook the whole ground, including the ocean. She let go of me instantly, we looked around.

"What the hell?" Uraraka asked.

"You tell me..." and another crash shook the ground, followed by a strong howling sound.

That's when everything started to fade. We reached out for each other, but not far enough and I was back into complete darkness.

"Uraraka!" I shouted out into my darkened room.

I shot straight up from my bed and felt around for Deku, he wasn't there. Another crash sounded and I spun myself around to the window and looked out it.

I sighed heavily, it was storming.

Oh thank god. So that's what I heard...

I felt around my bed for my phone, it wasn't on there, that's when my phone was flashing. It was laying on my end table, I reached for the end table and took my phone off it.

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