And So it Begins

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I jumped a foot, spinning myself around to see where that voice came from. My eyes landed right at the entrance and they went wide.

"Deku?! What are you doing here?"

He came running over and stood right in front of me, his eyes full of shock as blush flooded my face.

"I was looking for you! Mrs. Suzuki said you were in the training building. Ariella, was that just our double move I saw?"

My heart rate slowed, "It was."

"How did you that? I'm not even with you..."

I gave a small smile and held out my wrist, he looked down at it and his eyes went wide. Slowly he traced his finger over the bracelet he gave me, making my skin tingle.

"Its the bracelet you gave me. I asked our costume designers to add your quirk to it and they did. It's shocking really, since One for All can only be passed down."

He dropped his finger, "That really is shocking...Do you think you had a small amount of it in you after we first tried that?"

"It's possible, that's the only reason it'd work like it did just now."

"Huh..." he looked at my wrist again. "Wait, aren't those Kacchan's and Uraraka's bracelets too?"

I dropped my wrist, "Yes...I've done double moves with both of them too."

"You did a double move with Kacchan?" he asked slightly hurt.

I put my hand on his face and caressed his cheek, he looked at me.

"I did...I was going to tell you, it happened after our own double move. He wouldn't stop annoying me about what happened out there."

Deku gave a small smile, "Sounds like something he'd do. That explains why you were topless when you came out of your room that night."

I dropped my hand blushing, "Y-yes that's why."

"When did you do a double move with Uraraka, though? She's not here..."

My blush faded, "In a dream, believe it or not. I love her too, not like I do you. But, that just proves we can do it with anyone, really. There's different types of love you know."

"That is true...Can I see them? The moves you did, I mean, you looked really beautiful doing ours."

My blush came back, "T-thanks, and sure I can show you. You might want to step back though." he did.

"I can't wait to see these, Ariella."

I smiled, "You're in for a big surprise, Deku. You can count on that."

I turned from him then, got into my defense again and faced the other two cement pillars.

"Can you do Kacchan's? I'm curious to what you two came up with."

I looked over my shoulder, "Okay, I'll show you his then."

He only nodded and I turned back to the pillars. Once again I brought my arms to the front of my chest, but instead of clasping them with my hands, I formed a heart with my arms.

I took a deep breath again, closed my eyes and focused my quirk into an image of Bakugou's. Again, a sudden burning sensation came over my neck and I opened my eyes.

My necklace was spreading itself over my chest, but instead of being green and red, it was red-orange. I looked from my neck to my arms, fire was covering them completely while small explosions sparked off them.


A fire circle formed under my feet and encased me whole. I looked up from the ground and back to the pillar then, getting into my defense stance.

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