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He stared blankly, "You're joking right?"

Angry tears stung my eyes, "NO, I'm not! Look for yourself!"

"I will when you stop shaking! You're scaring me..."

My heart raced as his eyes looked into mine. Even though he thinks I'm crazy, he's still worried...

I nodded and closed my eyes. I took a few deep breaths, held onto my necklace and the shaking stopped. I opened them and looked back into Deku's.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, will you please look? I swear I'm not crazy."

"It's fine..." he was blushing again.

"Deku?" I asked, completely forgetting I was in his lap.

He blushed harder, "C-can you move? You're right in my lap, Ariella."

I looked down and jumped up, my face burned crimson.

"Sorry! I completely forgot. Here, let me help you up." I held my hand out.

He took it and stood, "T-thanks. Now, where did you see this 'hand'?"

I walked over to where I saw it, he followed.

I pointed, "In this bush. It looked like a shadow, but I swear I saw fingers attached."


He went over, I stood behind him to keep myself protected. I don't wanna see that again...

He started looking through it as he pulled branches apart and leaves off it. I peeked over his shoulder, he tensed up.

I pulled back, "Sorry! Do you see anything?"

He didn't say anything, just kept staring in the bush. I felt scared then and grabbed his arm.

"What is it, Deku?" I asked, he turned.

My eyes went wide, he had a scared look in his eyes and he was holding something. I looked, it was a gold watch.

Wait, that looks oddly familiar...

"Where was that?" I asked again.

"It was in a small branch. Ariella, does this look familiar to you?" he said finally and held it out to me.

I let go of him and took it. I stared at it, it looked expensive. The longer I held it and looked, it felt more and more familiar. The watch had a gold face with a golden brown wrist strap, my eyes went wide again.

No, it can't be...

Deku noticed my expression, "Ariella?"

I ignored him and turned it over. Right on the back of the face was an inscription, it read: To my love, J.H., Kira.

"NO!" I shouted, my body burned.

I threw it to the ground with such force it shattered, Deku backed away. I backed into one of the school's entrance pillars. My insides were on fire, just touching that burned my very core.

He slowly walked over, "A-Ariella?"

I put my hand up, "Don't come near me!"

I fell to my knees holding my stomach, I was shaking again. I was fighting so hard against my rage, I gaged.

Tears started streaming down my cheeks, turning blood red. My wings busted out as a fire circle formed around me, I screamed.


Deku ran over and knelt down, "Who are yelling at, Ariella?!"

I pushed him, "FUCK OFF!"

"NO! I'm staying right here!"

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