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I stepped out of her room and shut the door behind me. Again, I quietly tiptoed my way back to my room, went in, and shut the door. I went over to my bed, sat down, and opened her journal.

Is this what she meant is for me? This journal or the gift box?

I started to read it then, it was basically her life up until that fateful day of her death. I came across that page and read it, tears spilling over my eyelids.

'June 25th,

Today has been a very hard and emotional day for me...

Deku still refuses to look at me, even after our breakup. I know I really hurt him by doing that, but I had too. Something just didn't feel right when he said he loved me... It felt like he half meant it, but then I thought back to that day on the beach with him, me, and Ariella.

I've always known she's been secretly jealous, she loves him. I can tell, she has ever since they've been kids, and that day proved I was right. She'd always look over at Deku and me, a sadness lingered in her eyes. But that day when she looked at us, Deku looked back he usually didn't. He too had a sadness lingering in his eyes.

It was like a, 'did I make the right choice?' sadden look and that's when I knew he loved her more than me. I just don't think he really realizes it quite yet, he's always talked about her and how close they've been.

When he said he gave her that butterfly necklace, he was so happy talking about it. Happier than he was with me... I do love him too, of course.

But, I don't want to give him real love that would not be given back to me. I love Ariella to death, she's my best friend and I would do anything for her. But right now, she's hurt me.

She's always had a very special place in Deku's heart, as do I. She and I are going out for a walk today, hopefully, we can talk about this all and still be friends...

P.S. Ariella, if you're reading this, then something happened to me. I love you so much, girl. Please take care of Deku for me, I know he'll take care of you too.

P.P.S. I have your birthday gift, even though it's not till September 10th. But I had to, it was perfect for you, plus it was selling out quickly. I hope you like it.'

I couldn't stop reading those last few lines over and over, my eyes wouldn't let me. Tears blurred my vision and they turned red again, not normal.


I closed the journal and picked up the rectangular gift box she left for me. I know I should wait for my birthday in three weeks, but I can't and opened it.

My eyes went wide through my tears, it was a crimson butterfly bracelet. It was so pretty, it was a dark red bracelet with a butterfly charm right in the middle of it.

I pulled it out of the box and put it on, only to cried harder. Red tears streamed down my cheeks and I couldn't stop them, I was so hurt and heartbroken.

"I'm so sorry for everything, Uraraka!" and dropped my face into my hands.


Seven o'clock rolled around and I woke myself up. I sat up and looked to the window, it was another rainy Saturday, I sighed.

I pulled my legs over the side of my bed and streached out. I got up from my bed went to my dresser, pulled out some clothes and got dressed. I headed for my door and made my way for the kitchen.

I swear I heard something moving around the dorms last night...

During the night I kept hearing something, it scared me and even woke me up for awhile. I almost went out of my room to look, but then it was gone.

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