Jealousy Bites

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Deku and I jumped back from each other. We turned to face him, he was angry and I sensed jealousy. That's when I looked at his left hand, he too was holding a gift box, my eyes went wide.

"What's that, Bakugou? Is that for me?" I asked with shock.

Blushed filled his angered expression and he quickly put it behind his back, Deku stared at him.

"N-no! Why the hell would I even do that!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to watch, curiosity filling all their eyes. Some of them even came closer, I took a step toward him.

"Your lying! Who else has a birthday today besides me?"

"A lot of people, Ariella!" Bakugou shouted.

I was getting upset, I knew he was lying. That gift he's holding is for me and I knew exactly what it was.

"Well, they're not here, I am! Just give it to me, will you?"

"Fine, damn it! Take it!"

He brought back from behind him and shoved it right into my stomach, I stummbled back. Deku clenched his fists and took a step forward.

"There was no reason to shove it at her, Kacchan!" he was angry and his jealousy was showing.

"She asked for it, Deku!"

They started aruging again and everyone tried calming them down. I steady myself against the kitchen table and stared at Bakugou's gift. It was the exact same as what both Uraraka and Deku got me.

It was another black regtangular box but had a green and orange ribbon on it. I undid the ribbon, placed it on the table and opened it. My eyes went wide once again, I was right.

It was another crimson butterfly bracelet. How did they all pick the same thing...

My hands started to shake, "Bakugou!"

Everyone went silent, even the guys stopped arguing and their eyes all focused on me. Tears stung my eyes as I held up the bracelet, Deku's eyes went wide.

"What the fuck do you want, Ariella!"

I dropped the box to the floor and walked over to him, shoving the bracelet into his face. Tears started to spill over my and they were turing red, my heart was breaking.

"How did you know about this? Both Deku and Uraraka got me the same one..."

Everyone gasped at the sound of Uraraka's name, Bakugou's faced flooded crimson. He didn't say anything, I was angry now.

"Are you gonna awnser me or not!"

"If you don't awnser her Kacchan, I'll make you!" Deku snapped.

He clenched his fists and glared, "I heard Deku talking about it in your room three weeks ago. I knew your birthday was coming but didn't have anything..."

"WHAT?!" Deku and I shouted together.

"I didn't know that Uraraka got you one! I only heard him say he thought it was his!"

Deku was angry, I could feel it. Green lightining started sparking around him as he got into his fighting stance, Bakugou did the same while I said nothing.

"Why do you keep spying on us, Kacchan! What the hell is going on with you!"

"Is it not that obvious?!" he shouted.

"What the hell are you talking about!" Deku shouted back.

I still said nothing, just watched them. I was in shock from hearing Bakugou say that.

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