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I jumped, "Damn it, Bakugou! What do you want? I want to go eat, I'm starving."

He pushed me back and came into my room, shutting the door behind him. I backed into my desk, my eyes wide.

"What the hell! Did you not hear me?!" I snapped.

He glared, "I heard you, damn it! You're not leaving till you tell me what the hell happened out there! I know All Might wasn't saying the whole truth."

I fumed, "Why should I? You were the one who called him on Deku and me!"

"So damn what! Tell me what happened, Ariella." he was serious.

I took a deep breath, calmed myself, and stared back into his crimson eyes.

I sighed, "My Dad showed up again."

"I knew it! Where is he? I'm going to kill him!" Bakugou snapped.

"He's in jail, Bakugou! Calm the fuck down!"

He calmed himself the best he could, "In jail? How did that happen?"

I sighed again, moved around my desk, and went to my bed to sit down. He followed and sat next to me. I brought my knees to my chest and rested my chin on them, I turned to him.

"After Deku and I stopped him, he was taken to jail. He's been stalking me since I started going to UA, not that you care. "

He glared, "Who says I don't!"

"Me! Did you forget how you treated me and Deku once we started here?"

He turned away, "What's that got to do with your Dad."

"If you weren't so busy being an ass, you would of known what was going on with me."

He turned back sighing, "Whatever, but I knew something was bothering you. You'd always wake up screaming during the night, it was annoying."

I clenched my fists again, "Well, sorry! That was because I was having major PTSD when I started here."

"Can we not talk about that! Just tell me what happened..."

I unclenched my fists, "Fine. My Dad tried to take me back again, but Deku wouldn't let him. So, all three of us got into a fight, Deku and I were just protecting ourselves."

"I can't see you getting into a random fight, Ariella. But, Deku I can see."

"Shut up! He was protecting me, Bakugou! I let him because he couldn't the first time."

He rolled his eyes, "Right, and what were you doing? Crying in the corner?"

"Your such an ass! No, I wasn't. After my Dad knocked him out, I took charge."

He cocked an eyebrow, "He knocked Deku out?"

I nodded, "Yeah. I was worried, but I did fight against my Dad. It was self-defense, he touched me again..."

He clenched his fists, "Of course, he did."

"Deku protected me again. Well, actually we protected each other."

"How the hell is that possible?"

I turned from him, "I can't exactly tell you, All Might told us not to tell anyone."

He glared, "What? Why the hell not! You better tell me!"

I turned back glaring, "I can't Bakugou! I don't even know how it happened."

He was getting annoyed and grabbed my arm, I flinched. He leaned in close, our eyes locked into each other, my cheeks burned.

"Tell me how you two managed to knock your Dad out, Ariella!"

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