After the Storm

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I was in a cold place, nothing but pitch black encasing me. I feel so weak so tired, I just want to sleep, I want to feel...

A sudden ringing was in my ears and I slowly opened my eyes. A sudden pain hit my chest and I couldn't breath, it felt like someone had me in a chokehold and they were winning.

I cried out in pain and sat straight up. I brought my hand to my chest, trying to regain my heartbeat and breathing and I did. Slowly I looked around, I was at home and up against a tree.

I couldn't find Ariella, all I saw was a house and a yard, that's when I heard a loud bomb go off.


I pushed myself up from the ground, nearly falling back down. I grabbed the tree's trunk to steady myself.

I looked where that loud sound came from and my eyes went wide. Ariella, Izuku, and Katsuki were all standing in their defense stance facing Jack.

Jack's flames started to form in his hands as he brought them close to his chest.

My heart started racing with fear. No, Ariella!

I pushed off from the tree and started running toward them, but stopped in my tracks when I saw Ariella and the boys close up.

They had their eyes closed, and Ariella's wings were starting to change it's color.

What the hell?! I've never seen that before...

They were turning red, green, orange and pink. It was like a new type of rainbow forming and I was captivated. Her wings were so beautiful, that's when I saw a pink bubble start to form around them.

It encased them while small explosions sparked off and green lightning danced around her burning flames, I took another step toward them.

I crouched down next to the nearest bush near them and peaked over, that's when all three of them opened their eyes and mine went wide.

Jack was charging for them at his full force, I had to hold myself back from attacking him too. I'm still wiped out from him nearly choking me to death, any strong move I'd do, would knock me out for good.

"You'll be mine, Ariella! Scorching Wave!" Jack shouted.

I clenched my fists, the hell she is!

"NO! One for all, Exploding Wildfire Smash!" Ariella shouted back, my eyes went wider.

A raging wave of fire, lightning and explosions shot out of her hands and stopped Jack's flames right in it's path, vanishing them completely. Scattered smoke clouds flooded area and Jack was sent flying right back into the road, that's when Ariella started to fall.

No! And I jumped from behind the bush.

I caught her nearly a second before she fell face first into the ground. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. I lifted my eyes from her to the boys, red and green tired eyes stared back into mine, and they collapsed right beside Ariella.



Where am I? What is this? Why is it so dark...

I couldn't see anything, couldn't feel or even smell, it was just pitch black. I started to get scared, I didn't feel safe at all.

A sudden stinging warmth hit my shoulder and I screamed.

I spun around so fast, that I started to fall. Faster and faster I fell down into the this never ending rabbit hole, that's when my back hit something soft and was blinded by a golden light.

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