Wicked Storm

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I got into my fighting stance, "Why the hell do you care about it anyway, Bakugou!"

He did the same, "Never said I did! I just want to know why you keep holding it! Is it that important to you?"

"Yes, and it always will be! You sound more jealous than anything right now."

He clenched his fists, "I am not jealous of that damn nerd!"

I took a step toward him, "Are too! I can see it all over your face!"

"Shut up!"

"What is going on with you two? None of you acted like this when we were kids!"

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?!"

"You know exactly what I mean!"

"No, I don't!"

He was about to hit me, when a sudden green light flashed between us and knocked us apart. My back hit the edge of my bed as Bakugou's hit the dresser, I looked up and my eyes went wide.


"What the hell! What are you doing here, you damn nerd!"

"Stopping you two from fighting!" he snapped.

I saw jealousy in his eyes again, along with hurt and betrayal. Wait, was he...?

"You were listing to us, weren't you!" I snapped, feeling embarrassed.

Oh, man! No wonder he looks betrayed...

"I didn't mean too! I wanted to check on you, Ariella! But then I heard Kacchan..."

I looked from him to Bakugou, he stood up furiously. His fists clenching and unclenching, trying so hard not to punch Deku out.

"You idiot! You don't just go and eavesdrop on someone's conversation!"

Deku didn't respond, just turned away and Bakugou stormed out. I was still sitting on the floor, my back aching from being flung enough today.

"Deku..." I was cut off.

"Don't talk to me right now, Ariella. I need some space..." and he walked out, I was alone.

I hung my head, way to go, Ariella!

A soft knock was at my door, I shot my head up.


"No, sorry. It's only me Ariella, ribbit." Syu said I turned away.


She came over, "What just happened with you two? Midoriya came into the living room looking really hurt, ribbit."

I turned back sighing, "He overheard Bakugou and I talking about something."

Her eyes went wide, "Bakugou was in here!? Did it have to do with what happened earlier?"

I rubbed my neck, "Yes and no..."

Syu sat next to me, "Yes and no, ribbit? Please tell me what's going on, Ariella."

"It's a long story."

"So? I've got time, it's Friday night again anyway."

"Alright. Deku overheard us talking about something horrible that happened to me when I was thirteen."

She hesitated a bit, "Does it have to do with your dad?"

I nodded, "It kinda relates to what happened this morning."

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