Visible Scars

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"What are you all looking at?" I asked.

"Why do you have a bag? Are you going somewhere?" asked Momo.

I looked at her, "I'm going to visit my mom, I need to get away right now."


I gave a small smile and headed toward the door, Ashido came running.

"Wait, Ariella! We heard you scream, what happened?"

I stopped and turned to her, tears stinging my eyes.

"I don't want to talk about it! I'm sorry if I scared you, but I need to go."

I started for the door again. Just as I was about to turn the handle, a plate shattered.

"It was your nightmare about Uraraka again, wasn't it!" Deku snapped.

My heart pained, again he blames me!

I ignored him, turned the handle, and walked out the door.

"Don't ignore me!" he said and came flying out after.

He stopped in front of me, blocking my path. Green lightning sparked all around him. I kept my head down, avoiding his gaze.

"I'm not moving till you answer me, Ariella!"

Anger burned as tears started falling from my eyes, they were blood red again. I clenched my fists and looked up at him, his eyes went wide.

"Yes, it was the nightmare about her and I'm so sick of you blaming me for her death!"

He said nothing, just stared. His eyes went to my neck and his lighting faded, I walked passed him.

I wiped the red tears from my eyes as I made my way to the sidewalk. My wrist was grabbed suddenly, I turned.

"Let go, Deku! I'm angry with you enough! Don't make this any worse."

He looked up at me then, no anger in his eyes just hurt, mine went wide.

"You're necklace, you're wearing it again..." he said softly.

"It's pretty."

He let go, "I didn't think you'd wear it again."

I sighed, "I really need to go now, I'll see you guys Sunday."


I walked onto the sidewalk as Deku went back to the dorm. I gave one last look back and went on my way.

I made it to my house by 7:30 pm. It was a nice summer night, so I walked. I made my way up to the door and knocked, I didn't tell Mom I was coming.

She opened it, her eyes went wide.

"Ariella! Sweetheart, what are you doing here?"

"Can I stay by you for the weekend, Mom? I just need to get away from school for a little bit."

"Is something wrong? Are your classmates hurting you?"

"What, no! It's just..." I trailed off, tears forcing their way out again.

"It's just what, Ariella?"

"Please let me in, then I'll tell you."

"Alright." and I headed in.

Once I got in, I took off my shoes as she shut the door behind her and locked it. I headed over to the couch and sat down, I put my bag next to me. Mom came over and sat with me, her eyes filled with worry.

She put her hands on mine, "What's going on, sweetheart?"

I started crying, "It's my nightmares again, they've gotten worse since I've been back at school!"

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