Chapter 2

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The hallways of NCT High School were bustling with energy, everyone was doing their own thing, most of the talk was about how Winter Break was over and what every one did over the holidays.

"What do you think, Jaehyun? Would you want to go or do you have other plans" said a red hair Japanese boy while looking for a pen in his locker, at these words he turned to Jaehyun, the other scoffed and with a sarcastic reply he retorted "Yuta you know I don't have any plans so yeah a party to begin the new semester would be great." Yuta closed his locker and stared at the taller brunette, "Well once Johnny and Mark decide to show up to school we can talk about it in more detail".

"Jaehyun!! Yuta!!!" Jaehyun and Yuta both turned to the voice that call for them from the other side of the hallway, where 3 boys stood.

Johnny, Ten, and Mark walked in and everyone in the busy hallway got quiet, everyone looked in the direction of the three friends, Johnny the taller of the three, smiling wide at the his two friends had his hand held onto the shorter blond haired male and Mark walked next to the couple, feeling like a third wheel had become normal to the said boy.
Everyone in the school stared at the three boys meet the other two at the lockers, Jaehyun, Yuta, Johnny and Mark were the idols of the school they had what everyone wanted. Their families were all well off and no one could deny that the boys weren't handsome, their looks were enough to be models. All the girls and some boy wanted to have a chance to be with the idols of the school. Ten was the most recent addition to the group, he was a study abroad student from Thailand. Ten not only had the looks, he also had the brains, and his fashion sense was beyond compare but most importantly he had so much charisma, it's no wonder Johnny fell for him.
"Hey guys what's up?" Mark greeted the two other boys, at this moment, one of the boys, Ten looked down at the hallway and glared at everyone "Carry on, the shows over" and with one smile to the crowed, the halls once again were bustling with noise. Johnny looked at Ten with loving eyes and said "You are so cute, babe" at this statement Yuta, Jaehyun, and Mark whispered "whipped". Ten looked at the three friends with glaring eyes, but soon vanished replaced with one of wonder, "Did you guys hear, there's gonna be a new transfer students today?" at this statement the others, looked at the boy in the white button up ,Ten, "Oh yeah and how would you know that?" asked Yuta, "You do know I have other friends besides you guys, right" Ten replied sarcastically to the red haired "Anyway, Jungwoo told me, remember he helps around at the admissions office, him and Lucas were snooping around some files and from what Jungwoo and Lucas read they are siblings. Lee Donghyuck he's a Sophomore like Mark and Lee Taeyong he's in the same grade as me, Jaehyun, Jungwoo, and Lucas. The odd thing is that on the parent/guardian slot both say Taeil, and even then he is their brother"
"Woah, just like you hyung minus the transferring part and the brother being named Taeil, your brother is Doyoung" Mark said with a surprised and innocent look. Yuta literally wanted to pinch Mark's cheeks over how adorable their youngest friend was.
"Taeyong? Well we should welcome him don't you guys think?" at these word the other boys looked worried, especially Ten.
Ten looked at Jaehyun with fierce eyes and said with full confidence "That not why I wanted to tell you, I was informing you guys" he yanked his hand away from Johnny and before walking away looked at Johnny and said "Don't follow me" and walked away, leaving Johnny with a pain evident on his face.
Johnny looked at Yuta with a hurt expression and asked "What did I do?" Yuta laughed at the other and said "Well Johnny how would I know? maybe because Jaehyun is your cousin and Ten wants you to talk to him but I don't know" and with those words, he walked off to his class leaving Jaehyun, Johnny and Mark.
Mark looked at his hyungs and then looked at his phone "Well hyungs, I have to go class is about to start and Jeno wants to meet up real quick before then" after he said this Mark walked away from the other two.
Johnny looked at over at Jaehyun and asked "Please tell me you were just joking about your earlier question and you won't do anything to Taeyong, Ten wouldn't like it" Jaehyun looked at Johnny and tried not to laugh "No offense hyung but why would I care about what Ten thinks? Also I wasn't joking,  I was being serious, I want to figure out why two brothers transferred to our school in the middle of a semester and it so happens that one of them is a junior like me" at this Johnny didn't know what to say so he turned in the same direction that Yuta had walked off to moments before and said "I hope you don't regret what you are planning on doing"

The bell had rung signaling the beginning of class and soon the hallways began to clear, all but a certain brunette, who forgot to get his books out of his locker.

~I think the story is progressing at a good pace but I'm not quite sure~

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