Chapter 31

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~ This chapter is also quite long but here is an update!

Skip the 🌧
Please skip the clouds if you don't feel comfortable
(It's a pretty short part but still)

D~1 Till Yuta's Party Cont.

"Jaehyun you head on up i forgot my phone in the car, Ten should be up, just knock" Johnny told the other before going back downstairs to the car to retrieve his phone.
Jaehyun reached the front door and knocked lightly, hearing some thumping he assumed was Ten he waited and once the door opened he was shocked by who opened the door. He noticed the others eyebrows raise before he could say anything the door slammed shut leaving a very confused Jaehyun.
Johnny ran up the stairs and noticed a confused looking Jaehyun, "What happened?" Johnny asked confused as to why the other was still outside.
"Umm Ten didn't open the door, it was.... wait I don't even know his name?" Jaehyun replied.
Johnny furrowed his eyebrows, he pulled out his apartment key and once unlocked he walked in to find a whole party going on, his eyes landed on Ten who avoided his stare, Jaehyun walking in after him.

"Well Ten, I thought you were sick?" Johnny said, with a bit of sadness mixed with anger.
"Johnny I can explain" Ten began, his voice cracking slightly.
Everyone in the room was silent, Mark and Haechan shuffled slowly to the corner followed by YangYang and Xiaojun.
"Johnny it's not his fault..... it's mine" said a soft voice going over to hug Ten.
"I told him not to tell you" Taeyong added making Johnny look at him confused.
"What is happening here?" Jaehyun finally decide to speak up, his eyes never leaving Taeyong.
"We were....." Taeyong trailed off not knowing what to say his eyes avoiding the others.
"Is this about Kai?" once the question left Jaehyun's mouth, Taeyong froze "How does he know?" 
"How.... How do you know that name?" Taeyong asked his hands beginning to tremble, no one dared to speak up.

Haechan ran to Taeyong on instinct he pulled Taeyong hands away from Ten's, holding onto them.
"Jaehyun Don't!" Haechan yelled knowing how his hyung would react.
"It's okay Haechannie, I'm fine" Taeyong said smiling lightly but on the inside he felt like his world was tumbling down.
"Haechannie, baby how about we go to my room" Mark said lightly grabbing onto Haechan's sleeve, to which he nodded after seeing a small nod from Taeyong.
"We will come with" YangYang said pulling Xiaojun with him.
"Jae, Ten and I need to speak in private" Johnny said walking out of the dining room without giving Ten a glance. Ten looked at Taeyong, his eyes glossy from wanting to cry.

"I'm sorry Ten this is my fault, you can tell him, I'm sorry" Taeyong said to the other and Ten walked away after giving Taeyong a hug.

Jaehyun and Taeyong stood in the kitchen, Taeyong pulling on his yellow hoodie while Jaehyun had his arms crossed infront of his chest.
"Taeyong I know about Kai" Jaehyun said making Taeyong's head snap up to him. Taeyong's eyes began to water, his hand began to shake again, and his breathing began to quicken.
"Wh-what do you know?" Taeyong asked voice trembling.
"I know that you are planning to do something at Yuta's but that's about it" Jaehyun said his voice sounding concerned.
"Why are you putting yourself at risk? WinWin only told me that he heard you were gonna try and get revenge on a guy name Kai and that he was a bad person, and he's the same person who hurt you at school that day in the bathroom." Jaehyun said moving closer to Taeyong after realizing the other was crying.



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