Chapter 18

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"Good morning class! Today will be the first day for the pairs to work on the project together" said an excited Mr. Kim, while clapping his hands, "Pair up everyone".

Taeyong walked over to Jaehyun and Yuta, Yuta smiled brightly and stood up pulling his chair and motioning Taeyong to sit and said "Take a seat cutie" Taeyong looked at Yuta and blushed, Jaehyun giving Yuta a slight glare and said "Okay bye now, see you at lunch" not hiding the jealousy in his voice causing Yuta to giggle and Taeyong to hide his smile with his sweater paws.

"Hey Jaehyun, what should we do our project over?" asked Taeyong with a smile on his face. Jaehyun loved how cheery Taeyong always was and how his eyes crinkled when he smiles, Jaehyun couldn't get enough of it, he loved how Taeyong literally radiated baby energy, Jaehyun literally is soft for Taeyong.

"Jaehyun?" asked Taeyong, looking worried at Jaehyun who was lost in his thought.
"Ah yeah, sorry .... I was .... thinking" said a flushed Jaehyun
"Oh okay, I asked what you wanted our topic to be?"
"I don't know, you choose, hyung.... I mean Mr. Kim said it would be easy, so we could do plants?" replied Jaehyun while shrugging
"I got it, we can do it over a desert lily, they bloom in the desert, isn't that cool" Taeyong said with so much excitement, making Jaehyun laugh at how cute Taeyong looked.
"Hey Yong, how about we trade phone numbers, you know so we can text about the project and stuff?" asked Jaehyun a blush creeping up on his cheeks making Taeyong smile widely. "Wow beautiful" Jaehyun though, realizing Taeyong had a blush spreading across his cheeks as well, he realized he actually had said it out loud,
"I mean, the umm the desert lily..... they are cute" Jaehyun stuttered and facepalmed himself, looking at Taeyong, he could see a slight disappointment in his eyes but maybe he was imagining things,
"Yeah let's trade numbers" then Taeyong realized something, "Wait, I already have your number, jungwoo gave it to me, so I will just give you mine" Taeyong said, with a guilty look on his face
"Oh really, and you still haven't texted me ?! What's your number then " Jaehyun said with a smirk making Taeyong beam as red as a cherry, "Was I supposed to? And my number is ........" Taeyong couldn't finish his statement due to being interrupted by a knock on Mr.Kim's door.

"Hello Mr.Kim" said Jungwoo peeking his head into the classroom, "You have a new student" he added before a grey almost white haired boy walked into the class. "This boy looks sort of familiar, Where have I seen this student?" Mr. Kim asked himself after seeing, his new student walk in.
"Hello, I'm your new teacher Mr. Kim, why don't you introduce yourself to the class" Mr. Kim said with a warm smile directed to the grey haired boy.
"Hello everyone, my name is Dong Sicheng my friends call me WinWin, I just transferred, I hope we can all get along....."  Sicheng cut off after seeing a familiar face amongst the class.

Taeyong gasped at who walked in, his heart started to race and he began to shake, Jaehyun immediately grabbed his hand and rubbed his thumb to calm the other, who's eyes became watery.
"Chengie?" Jaehyun heard Taeyong whisper.
Clearing his throat, the new student finished saying, his eyes not leaving the pink haired boy "I hope we can all get along".

"Okay thank you Sicheng for the introduction today we are starting a, unfortunately I don't think anyone is left for the project, meaning you might have to work by your......" said Mr. Kim before being interrupted
"Mr.Kim, I can do the project with Sicheng" said Yuta which surprised everyone.
"Yuta you are already passing, you don't need to do this project"
"It's okay, I would be more than honored to work with Sicheng" replied Yuta, whose eyes gazed at the grey haired boy.
Sicheng smiled at Yuta, and walked towards him and Ten who was surprised at Yuta's statement.

"Hello I'm Sicheng" said a cheerful Sicheng, Yuta grabbed the other boys hand, catching Sicheng off guard and dragged him over to where Jaehyun and Taeyong were. 
"Look Jaehyun, I have a cute partner, not that Taeyong isn't cute but I mean" Yuta trailed off causing WinWin to look at him in shock and say "We just met, it's Sicheng, I did tell you my name, also let go of my hand" while swatting away Yuta's hand causing Yuta to feign a hurt expression placing his hand on his chest and remarked "Sicheng, how you hurt my heart".
Looking away from Yuta, WinWin faced Taeyong and his eyes glasses over, smiling brightly he hugged Taeyong with all his strength to which the other returned happily, missing the feeling of hugging his closest friend.
"Chengie!!! I missed you so much" said Taeyong who began to shed tears of happiness, "I missed you too Yongie!!" Replied an equally emotional WinWin.

"Wait Yongie?!" blurted out Jaehyun at the same time Yuta exclaimed "Chengie?!?".
"Oh Chengie, this is Jaehyun he's my partner for the class project" said Taeyong while holding onto Jaehyun's hand causing Jaehyun to have a mini heart attack, "He's also my friend" added the pink haired boy, "Awwww friends" Yuta said sarcastically, causing Jaehyun to glare.

Sicheng stared at Jaehyun, admiring the other from his fit physic to his casual wear, "Sicheng, Taeyong's Best Best friend, anyone who messes with him will deal with me" stated the other with poison in his voice, causing Jaehyun to gulp and Yuta to snicker, while Taeyong smiled happily, being the cutest boy he is.
"Wow am I late to the introduction party?" asked Ten while ruffling his sleeves, "Hi I'm Ten, Dancer,Fashionista and also close friends with Taeyong " said Ten extending his hand for Sicheng to grab. "Sicheng, also a Dancer" said the other interested.

After the introductions between the group, they split into their individual project groups, leaving Ten alone.
"Mr.Kim can I go to the restroom?" asked Ten batting his eyes, "Yes, Ten you may go" said Mr.Kim
Giving one look back to Taeyong and Jaehyun and then to Yuta and Sicheng, Ten came across a thought
"Wait?, Sicheng doesn't know about Jaehyun, I hope Haechan doesn't tell him, but then again it's about his hyung, things just got a whole lot interesting".
Walking out of the campus, he met up with Johnny who had the widest smile and ran up to him, hugging him before they both escaped to go on a lunch date.


~ Yay!!! WinWin is here, let's go 🐥
I don't know what else to say, but tell me what y'all think ~

~ Yay!!! WinWin is here, let's go 🐥I don't know what else to say, but tell me what y'all think ✨~

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