Chapter 17

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~I wasn't planning on updating today but why not? Here's an update 😊~

Jaehyun carried Taeyong out of the cafeteria away from all the prying eyes, holding him close so he would calm down, Jaehyun tailing Haechan closely behind him.

"Mark, is your boyfriend okay ?" said a teasing Yuta with a sly smile, "He's not my boyfriend, we are friends and i don't know" replied Mark, looking at Yuta. "Sure he isn't" Yuta remarked
"Hyung maybe if you met someone like Haechan you would understand" Mark added. Yuta grabbed Mark's head and said "Why do I need someone else when I have you".
"Yuta let go of Mark" said a serious Ten while holding Johnny's hand. Yuta complied and they walked behind Jaehyun.


The group walked into Kun's office but no one was there, Jaehyun laid Taeyong on a bed, realizing that he had fallen asleep while being carried to the Nurses Office.
"Jaehyun, what happened to Taeyong?" asked a concerned Johnny.
"I think he got really scared by everyone, so I carried him out of the cafeteria?" replied a questioning Jaehyun.
"What where you doing with my hyung?" asked Haechan
"Ummm....." thinking about what to say Jaehyun looked from Taeyong to the group.
"Well we are waiting?" demanded Heachan flaring intensely at Jaehyun.
"We may or may not be partners for a project, for my hyungs class" replied a nervous Jaehyun scared at seeing how the younger would react, knowing how much Haechan cared about his hyung.
"YOU WHAT?!" screamed a Haechan, who was getting his sleeve held by Mark.
"Ten knew, he didn't tell you ?" at this statement everyone looked at Ten and all Ten could do was shrug and say " Ummm... no one asked?".

"Heachannie?" said a groggy Taeyong finally waking up from his sleep
"Hyung?! What does Jaehyun mean you are working together with him?!" whisper shouted Haechan, not wanting to alarm his hyung.
"It's okay Haechannie, Me and Jaehyun agreed to start fresh and this project is important, it will be okay" smiled Taeyong, while his hoodie swallowed him whole.
"Yay!!! We can all be friends now" shouted an excited Yuta, making everyone look at him.
"No not friends, hyung" said Haechan with seriousness in his voice
"Haechannie please, give him a chance, he's a nice person, please" said Taeyong in a pouty voice while looking at Haechan who was glaring at Jaehyun, while Jaehyun looked down not saying a word.
"Hyung what if he is like ......."  Haechan began but Taeyong cut him off immediately "Haechan be quiet!" scream Taeyong which caught everyone by surprise, no one has ever seen Taeyong angry and especially to Haechan.

Haechan look at his hyung with sad eyes "Okay hyung, I trust you but that doesn't mean I like him" with these words Haechan walked out feeling hurt with Mark following behind.

Jaehyun looked at Taeyong and felt the urge to hug him and never let him go, but he held it in and went out to look for Kun instead, Yuta following him out leaving Johnny and Ten behind.

"Johnny I thought you had a student council meeting?" asked Taeyong looking at Johnny wide eyed, causing Ten to look at Johnny with an eyebrow raised
"Really now? Johnny said that Taeyong?" Ten asked with out looking at Taeyong
"Yeah he left me in the hallway while I was looking for Jaehyun, but he said he had a meeting and jungwoo helped me instead" said Taeyong with a cute innocent look on his face. Ten looked at Johnny waiting for an explanation but instead "What about you Ten, why didn't you tell me Jaehyun and Taeyong were partners?"
"Ummmm, I guess we are even ?" replied a smiling Ten while squishing Johnny's cheeks.

"Well, it seems like my office is the new hang out" walked in a confused but not surprising Kun with a box of sweets, Jaehyun behind him looking at Taeyong with a soft and caring look.
"Kun, Taeyong passed out a moment ago is there anything you can do?" Jaehyun asked with worry evident in his voice.
"If Taeyong doesn't feel light headed and he feels okay, I think he will be fine" said Kun with a warm grin, "Taeyong's you feel okay? If you do you should be good to go".
"I'm better now Kun, thank you" said Taeyong before getting up. Taeyong looked at Jaehyun, who couldn't keep his eyes off the smaller pink haired boy, "He's so cute, I will protect him no matter what" Jaehyun thought you himself. Johnny noticed the way his cousin was looking at the other and announced,
"Ten and I have to go, we are going on a date later" Johnny exclaimed before dragging Ten away.


"Haechannie? Are you okay?" asked a really worried Mark, who was approaching Haechan very carefully
"No, Mark I'm not okay, I need a hug, can I hug you?" sniffled Haechan, head down trying to advert Mark's eyes, not wanting him to see his teary ones.
Mark smiled warmly and approached Heachan, and held his hand using the other to lift the other boys head and wipe his straying tears.
"Haechan you don't need to hide your tears from me, I'm here for you, you are not alone" Mark said while pulling the other for a hug.
These words were well needed to be said, Haechan let all his tears flow, he cried into Mark's neck while he felt soft pats on his back and Mark saying "It's okay, I'm here, it's okay" as if chanting a mantra.
Heachan felt comforted and his sniffles slowed, pulling away, but failing Mark steadily holding him. Looking up at Mark, Haechan was awestruck, taking in every detail about Mark.
"Heachan, let get out of here" said Mark smiling after seeing Haechan come back to reality, the other blushing.
"Where are we going?" asked Haechan, patting his face.
"Anywhere, Where ever you go I will go with you?" said a very sincere Mark.
Haechan was speechless, he couldn't believe what he just heard, his heart fluttered.
"Ummmm, let's go to the park?" Haechan asked shrugging. Mark smiled and giggled a bit seeing how flustered he made the other.
"Okay lets go then" said Mark, grabbing onto Haechan's hand, making Haechan smile.


"So you transferred to NCT High School? Well we will see what will happen next Taeyong" said a male, holding a picture of a pink haired boy walking next to a brunette.

"I heard someone from NCT High School might throw a party and everyone is planning to attend, what do you think, should we attend?" said a black haired boy to the other while smiling and raising an eyebrow, expectantly.

"That sounds like a great idea, find out more and let me know" the male ripped the photo in half throwing out the half with the brunette and keeping the other, "Wait for me Taeyong, I will finish what "we" started"


~Has the plot thickened yet ? Probably not but it's getting there, right? ~

~Has the plot thickened yet ? Probably not but it's getting there, right? ~

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