Chapter 20

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"So what have you figured out about the party? asked Kai, while holding a picture that was torn in half with a grin, he stared at the pink haired boy.
"Well so far I heard that it's Saturday, so in a couple of days." said a black haired boy while looking at his phone, "Oh also, that Sicheng guy transferred over to NCT High School, with Taeyong" he added.
Hearing this piece of information, enraged the other, Kai looked at Baekhyun, who was looking at Kai, waiting for a reaction. After a minute of silence Kai said in a cold voice,
"Baek, Sicheng won't get in our way this time, he won't separate me and Taeyong, not again" and he looked back at the picture with the pink haired boy and whispered,
"They won't keep us apart,baby. Not ever again".


"So it's settled then, the party is in 6 days, I need to ask WinWin if he wants to come" stayed Yuta, slamming his locker closed, startling Jaehyun, who was looking for Taeyong through the crowd.
"Speaking of WinWin, I'm gonna invite Yong personally" said Jaehyun, showing his pearly whites
"Jaehyun, don't cheese so hard, it's blinding" said Yuta, covering his eyes, making Jaehyun laugh.

"Hi Jaehyunnie" said a smiling pink haired boy, sporting a white hoodie today, while having his arm interlocked with WinWin.
"Hey Yuta" said the silver haired boy, who wore a dark blue button down.
"WinWin, H-Hi" stuttered a shocked Yuta hearing how beautiful his name sounded from WinWin's lips, "WinWin Can I ask you something alone?" asked Yuta after coming back to reality.
"Yeah sure, lets go, I need to go to the library, bye Yongie" said WinWin, while walking away with Yuta, who would look at the other with adoring eyes.
"Hey Yongie" said a very flushed Jaehyun, "what did you call me earlier?" thinking back he stated "Jaehyunnie? Did you not like it? I'm sorry" said Taeyong very apologetic, causing Jaehyun to jump to stop Taeyong, "No, Yong it's okay, I-I like it" Jaehyun said making Taeyong smile, Jaehyun's heart fluttered "oh Yong" Jaehyun thought,
"Hey Yongie, Yuta is having a party in a couple of days and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me? It's nothing big, it's okay if you don't want to" Jaehyun said, very nervously not knowing what the other would say, rejection clouding his confidence.
"P-Party?" asked Taeyong, his mind clouding with thoughts of Kai and everything that happened, making him tremble.
"No, Taeyong, you can do this, you like Jaehyun, he is different, he's sweet and genuine, he wouldn't hurt you, WAIT?! LIKE?! I LIKE JAEHYUN"  Taeyong thought making his eye widen at the last thought that raced his mind over and over, Jaehyun looking at Taeyong with so much curiosity, seeing so many emotions race on the others face,
"Yongie?" Jaehyun treaded carefully, fearing the worst
"Huh?! Yongie?! Oh yeah Jaehyun, I would be happy to go with you" said Taeyong fidgeting with his sweater and blushing profusely.
Jaehyun smiled hearing Taeyong's words, he ran on instinct and hugged Taeyong, with so much force catching Taeyong by surprise, but equally surprised after feeling Taeyong return the hug as well.

"Ahhhem, love birds" Ten intervened the two and both separated, looking at each other, then looking at Ten who was holding onto Johnny, eyebrow raised.
"So what's up? Free hugs or something more" Johnny beat Ten to the question, "Wow Johnny we really are meant to be you literally read my mind" Ten said looking at Johnny with honey dripping from his eyes, and tip toed to kiss Johnny in the cheek, catching the taller by surprise.
"Who's the lovebirds now" Jaehyun replies sarcastically, Taeyong giggling at his statement
"Wow everything about Taeyong is beautiful" Jaehyun thought
"Oh Jaehyunnie, asked me to go with him to Yuta's party!" said a very cheery Taeyong
"Jaehyunnie?" questioned Johnny looking at his cousin, smirking at the same time.
"Omg, Taeyong, you have to let me style you, I can't wait, you can come over to my place" Ten said excitedly,
"You mean our place, babe" Johnny said grabbing Ten's waist
"Well technically mines, yours and Mark's" smirked Ten, looking back at Taeyong and saying
"I can't wait, you are gonna look so good" he added, "Okay" said Taeyong in a happy voice
"Ooof good luck" said Jaehyun making Ten lunch him in the arm.

"Guys, we should sit outside for lunch today! It's so pretty out" came back Yuta who looked ruffle, his hair messed up from different angles, followed by WinWin, who was fixing his collar shirt, and trying to catch his breath.
"Hmmm, where were you guys?" asked Ten
"We were in the library, the wold Atlas section was pretty interesting today" stated Yuta making WinWin freeze, Ten and Johnny chuckled saying, "Oh really, me and Ten are more of a botanist section" making WinWin blush while Jaehyun and Taeyong watched everything unfold.

"Oh speaking of the botanist section, me and Jaehyunnie have to go do research on our project or at least check out some books" said Taeyong very innocently, while Jaehyun had a coughing fit next to him after hearing Taeyong's words. Johnny giggling while Ten smirked saying, "Taeyong there's so many interesting books in the botanist section, I'm sure Jaehyun would love to go the with you"
Jaehyun blushed crimson red and Taeyong smiled replying, "Wow really, Jaehyun did you hear there...... Jaehyun are you okay, do you have a fever, let me check" said Taeyong worriedly after seeing the flustered other and placing a hand on Jaehyun's forehead while, Jaehyun shakily placer his on top of Taeyong's and said, "I-I'm fine Yongie" and removed Taeyong's hand still holding it after, not letting go, loving the feeling of comfort it brought to him.

Taeyong never once tried to pull his hand away, he loved the way just one gesture from the other made him feel safe, he smiled brightly and looked up at the other, while Johnny, Ten, Yuta and WinWin watched.

"Ahem, Earth to Jaeyong?" said WinWin after finally collecting his thoughts and himself after, exploring "the atlas" section.
"Jaeyong?" asked Jaehyun and Taeyong in unison with confused looks.
"Nice one Win" said Ten who went in for a high five that WinWin retired with a smile.
"Okay besides Jaeyong, so lunch outside today?" asked Yuta, everyone agreeing with him.




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On another note, I am conflicted if I should add some Markhyuck chapters in, i like writing Markhyuck but I don't know if you guys think it's fits in the story.
Do you guys like my Markhyuck chapters or should stick to just Jaeyong chapters ?

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