Chapter 27

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~ This chapter is the longest I have written I think, I hope y'all enjoy it 🥺~

"Why? Why didn't you call me or text me? What happened to your hair?" Jaehyun asked, with a worried voice, his heart racing, his whole body reacting on instinct and engulfing Taeyong in a hug, taking in everything about him.
"Taeyong I missed you, I thought about you every second of everyday, I always looked for you, I would ask Haechan and Taeil hyung about you but here you are, I'm so happy" Jaehyun added, dimples showing at the wide smile he was giving Taeyong.

Jaehyun place his hand on Taeyong's cheek and brushed his hair lightly with his other
"Your hair? It's different but I like it, like I like you" Jaehyun said in a cheery tone.
"Jaehyun.....I-I-I" Taeyong strutted, " I missed you too, I like you too, hug me, comfort me" He wanted to say but none of this came out, "I'm sorry, I can't let him hurt you"
"Jaehyun, What are you doing?" Taeyong said slapping away Jaehyun's hand, "Don't touch me, and give me my pen back" yanking his pen from a surprised and hurt Jaehyun.
"Yong?" Jaehyun whispered
"Don't Yong me, move out of my way" Taeyong said pushing Jaehyun away, causing the other to stumble.
"W-why ? Why are you doing this?" Jaehyun said voice shaking and cracking.
"Why do you think?" Taeyong said grabbing his things and walking out leaving Jaehyun alone in the classroom.

Walking into the closest bathroom Taeyong went into a stall and began to cry, he didn't mean what he said to Jaehyun but he had to keep Jaehyun at a distance, he will explain more later to him but for now, it has to be like this he told himself over and over. For the whole class period Taeyong cried in the restroom, feeling powerless.


"Hyung, do you want to sit with us ?" Asked a cheery Haechan to Taeyong
"Awwww Haechannie where would I be with out you? I will be okay, I feel like eating alone I have stuff to work on" replied Taeyong patting his head a smiling brightly to Haechan.
"Okay hyung, love you" he replied, "You haven't said that to me, Haechannie" Taeyong giggled after hearing Mark tell Haechan pouting.
Taeyong took his seat next to a window seat, he looked around and made eye contact with Jaehyun and his friends table, Jaehyun looking over at him with sad and red puffy eyes. Taeyong immediately looking away picking at his food and pulling out his journal. "Okay now who will help me with my plan?" He thought hoping for a miracle.

"Hey, Your that guy Yong? Yongie? from the restroom, are you okay?" said a cautious voice approaching Taeyong slowly, looking up he looked to see white haired boy with dark and distinct eyebrows.

"X-Xiaojun?" Taeyong said getting up and hugging the welcomed stranger, "Thank you for saving me that day, I'm so thankful" after the hug Taeyong motioned him to sit with him.
"It's no problem, are you all better? Also why is cousin Chenle and Renjun's table silent all of the sudden?" Xiaojun said while looking at the dreamies and back at Taeyong, "Ahh Chenle and Renjun are your cousins? Haechannie is my brother so that's probably why?"
"No offense Taeyong but your friends over there are all looking at us and the guy that carried you off that day looks a bit pissed" Xiaojun added avoiding eye contact with Jaehyun. Taeyong looked over and sure enough Ten, WinWin,Yuta , and Jaehyun were all looking at him, Ten and Jaehyun both looked pissed while WinWin looked hurt.
"Hey.... Xiaojun, That day, what did you see?" Taeyong asked treading cautiously
"Well I had to go to the restroom and all of the sudden I heard screams and I ran in on instinct, I saw you crying and a guy with you, I yelled and he whispered something to you and left, you fell, I assume from shock and I helped you up, I was gonna take you to the Kun but was stopped by the silver head and brunette haired guy and silver head got the wrong impression punched me in the face, you said something about a guy named Kai and they took you away" he explained Taeyong nodding and listening.
"Would you be able to help me with something? Only you can help me right now" Taeyong said hoping that Xiaojun would agree, "Yeah of course, what do you need help with"

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