Chapter 9

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Taeyong felt fear when he saw the look on Jaehyun's face, the latter looked mad, his eyes were not the same from the boy he met earlier, Taeyong was defenseless he didn't know what to do or what was gonna happen next, fear over took his body, he tried to shake off Jaehyun's hand but to no avail.

They turned the corner and walked into the closest door, which happened to be the boy restroom, once inside the unimaginable happened, Jaehyun pushed him again the wall and stared directly at Taeyong with rage. "Jaehyun what's wrong ? Did I do something? I-I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have bumped into you this morning, I'm sorry you got detention, I even told Mr. Kim it was an accident" Taeyong mumbled, his voice quivering with fear.

Jaehyun felt his heart race, "Why?! Why?! Why?!" he shouted at himself hitting his chest, with his free hand while the other pinned Taeyong to the wall.

Taeyong looked at Jaehyun with a face of concern seeing the others actions, "Jaehyun? Are you okay?" Taeyong whispered. Jaehyun opened his mouth to say something but nothing ever came. Taeyong wasn't expecting what had happened next.

Gasping for air, the first thought he had was, "what did I do to be hated by Jaehyun ?" he didn't know, he felt another hit on his side and knew it would bruise.
Taeyong closed his eyes and a memory came to him

"Leave him alone, Kai!"
"Sicheng why don't you mind your own business for once"
"Because he's my friend that's why, and the campus security is on the way"
After hearing these words, Kai muttered under his breath and walked away
"Chengie" cried Taeyong
"It's okay Taeyong, everything will be fine, as your best friend, I will be by your side"

Taeyong was brought of of his daze after feeling another hit, he waited for more to come but they didn't, his mind drifted to his hyung Taeil.
"What am I gonna tell Taeil hyung" he asked himself knowing his hyung would notice something off about him.
He looked up at Jaehyun fear evident in his eyes as he saw dark orbs stare down at him, when he heard something shatter and realized that Jaehyun stepped on his glasses, the glasses his Taeil hyung worked hard to pay off , so as if on instinct he reached for the specks, cutting his palm in the process, "Taeyong, why can't you just lay low? Why does my heart race at the mention of your name?! Why?!" Jaehyun shouted at the other expecting a reply, and then it happened.

"Taeyong, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, Oh no you are bleeding" as if something snapped with in him Jaehyun came to his senses and realized what he had done, he reached over for Taeyong but Taeyong moved away, this sudden rejection hurt Jaehyun and he didn't know why.
As if on cue Haechan walked in and the sight before him shattered his heart, his hyung rolled up in a ball in the corner holding his frames with blood on his palms and Jaehyun looking at Taeyong with a look of sorrow and regret. Haechan snapped, with tears pooling in his eyes he yelled at a distraught Jaehyun "Jaehyun are you freaking insane?! What did you do to my hyung?!" and he ran towards Taeyong and hugging the elder, "I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened" Jaehyun replied, his voice filled with regret and sincerity.
Ten walked in after hearing Haechan shout, Johnny followed after him. At the sight Ten gasped, he walked straight to Jaehyun and punched him. After feeling satisfied, Ten looked towards Johnny and said with so much authority, that the taller knew not to deny his request "Get your cousin and tell him what Jaehyun did now or else!" Johnny nodded and ran in search of Doyoung.

Ten carried Taeyong on his back and gave Jaehyun a glare before saying "Is this what you wanted? You hurt someone you care about?! Don't you realize?!" and with those word Ten walked out without realizing that Taeyong had blacked out until he heard a cry from a scared looking Haechan.

"Haechan, call your hyung, now ?!" Ten hisses at Haechan to which Heachan nodded his head and pulled out his phone.

Ten and Haechan were running through the halls, in search of the nurses office. Never noticing that Taeyong had come back to his senses, his mind wandering to what had occurred moments ago, Jaehyun beat him up but right after apologized to him, in a voice full regret.


~No offense to Kai, I love him and I love all of EXO

Slower updates from here on out I think, but I will try to do them regularly~

Slower updates from here on out I think, but I will try to do them regularly~

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