Chapter 22

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"Mark I-I don't think we can be friends" stated a pained voice belonging to Haechan who was looking away from Mark, who was still on top of him, his legs on either sides of Heachan's waist. Looking down at Haechan, Mark felt his heart ache.
"W-why would you say that?!" Mark asked, voice full of pain, "Look at me Heachan" Mark added, closing his eyes trying not to let the tears escape his eyes, but he was too late, tears began to run down his face, one landing on Haechan's cheek making the other look at Mark, eyes widened seeing Mark cry.
"Haechan, please don't do this" Mark pleaded closing the distance between them, crying into Heachan's neck, "Please, I- I don't think I can be apart from you" Mark said through cries of pain
"Haechannie please, I-I-I like you too much" Mark admitted to Haechan making Heachan look at Mark in shock

"W-What did you say?" Haechan asked while stuttering.

"I-I like you, I don't know when it started, when I first saw you, my heart skipped a beat, when you were mad at me I didn't know what to do, I was hurt, that day in the hallway when we fell, I couldn't stop thinking about how cute and beautiful you are, Haechannie I like you, I like you so much, everything about you, please don't leave me" Mark pleaded, looking into Heachan's eyes and seeing his eyes well up in tears.

"Mark you really are blind" Heachan giggled and pulled Mark down for a kiss, the feeling of their lips connecting catching Mark off guard but soon he melted into the kiss and closed his eyes, loving the feeling of Haechan, both of their hearts racing. Mark couldn't get enough, it was as if Haechan gave him life again, his mind only though of Haechan and the passionate kiss they were sharing.

"Oh snap, guess we have to find a new room to make out in Johnny, seems like Mark and Haechan beat us to it today" Ten said making Mark and Haechan separate from their kiss and also causing Mark to hit his head on the table.
"Mark, are you okay?" Haechan asked worried patting Mark's head softly
"I'm fine, Haechannie" Mark replied placing his hand in Haechan's and interlocking their fingers.
"Ooooo Mark, Did you finally make it official?" Johnny said adding, "Now you don't have to cry about you being friendzoned" earning him a glare from Mark and a giggle from Haechan.
"Hyung stop making stuff up" Mark said through his teeth making Johnny laugh
"Who's making stuff up? I have the evidence in my camera roll" Johnny said, lifting his phone up and opening his camera roll to a picture of him and Ten sitting at a park bench holding hands while Ten fed him ice cream.
"Hyung that's you and Ten on a date" Haechan pointed out making Ten grab Johnny's phone and admire the picture.
"Babe we look so cute here" Ten said in a cheerful tone.
"I know we do, when do we not? But this is what I was trying to show you" Johnny said after finding the video which showed Mark crouched on the couch with a hurt expression.
"Aaaaahhh we don't need to see that" said Mark while trying to grab Johnny's phone but failing after the other raised his hand making the phone out of reach, making Mark jump and Haechan giggle.
"Johnny hyung I'm gonna need you to send me that video, for resealed purposes, obviously" Haechan said while winking at Johnny.
"You got it" Johnny replied happily.

"Okay well we will be off then we have pressing matters to attend to, come on babe, let's go to the chemistry classroom instead" Ten said dragging Johnny away but not before winking at Haechan.
"Wait hyung, were's Taeyong?" Asked Haechan
"Ahhh yeah, your hyung is outside eating lunch with Jaehyun, Yuta and Jungwoo" said Johnny smiling brightly.
"Ahhh okay well thank you, let's go Markie" Haechan said making Mark look at him confused


Back at the cafeteria, Mark and Haechan walked in holding hands, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at the pair.
Haechan looked down and smiled while Mark dragged him to the table where their friends all look at them and smiled.
"Yahh Mark look at you" Jeno said holding up his hand to high five Mark, which Mark gladly returned.
"Haechan hyung looks so red, congrats hyung" said a smiling Jisung making Renjun and Chenle agree and smile.
"So Haechannie, now that y'all are together I assume y'all are going to Yuta hyungs party together?" asked Jaemin smirking.
"Jaemin of course we are that's not even a question" Mark replied with so much enthusiasm in his voice.
"We are?"asked Haechan looking at Mark confused
"Of course we are Haechannie, I wouldn't want to go with anyone but you" Mark replied with honey dripping from his eyes.
"Okay you two enough sappy love talk and sappy comments, some of us are single and rather not see all that" Renjun spoke up making Chenle and Jinsung laugh in agreement.

"Wait where did Xiaojun go?" asked a confused Haechan after noticing the other gone.
"He went to the restroom" said a cheery Jaemin.


~Short update for today/this week 🥺

I have also come up with a JohnTen story in my mind, and I haven't even finished this story so I  jotted down the ideas and it might be my next story!~

I have also come up with a JohnTen story in my mind, and I haven't even finished this story so I  jotted down the ideas and it might be my next story!~

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