Chapter 34

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~Late Update, once again I'm sorry about this late chapter, thank you for everyone understanding as well

This is a long update by the way

Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors ~

The sound of sirens blared through the streets, after the paramedics rushed in they strapped Taeyong onto a gurney and rushed him to the hospital, Jaehyun never leaving his side, including when he rushed into the ambulance with the permission from the paramedics.

Jaehyun couldn't believe what was happening, his Taeyong was on the verge of death, because of him.
"I'm sorry Taeyong" he kept repeating over and over while holding Taeyong's weak hand, noticing that it was a bit cold.
"W-why is he cold?" Jaehyun said worriedly, the paramedic immediately got up and checked the temperature, a look of fear and worry passed his eyes. Banging on the window he spoke up, "Step on it, he's losing a lot of blood and his temperature is falling at a drastic pace".
Jaehyun immediately paled.
"N-No, Yong, please don't go" Jaehyun cried.

Once at the hospital, Taeyong was rushed to the ER, Jaehyun felt his heartbreak when he had to let go of Taeyong. He felt useless.
"Jaehyun!" He heard someone scream for him and saw Taeil with tears streaming down his face, his eyes red, hands clenched in fists.
"What happened to Taeyong?!" Taeil screamed grabbing Jaehyun from his collar.
Jaehyun couldn't hold his tears in and cried, collapsing on the floor, "I-I'm so sorry hyung, I-I should've protected him, I-I should've been with him, IT SHOULD BE ME IN THERE NOT HIM!" Jaehyun scream the end making Taeil cry and hug the other.
Haechan ran up to Taeil followed by everyone else.
The younger rushed to hug his hyung, "H-Hyung" Haechan said tears rushing down his face.
"T-Taeyong......B-blood......K-Kai" he said though loud sobs. Taeil's eyes widened with rage, "Kai?!" his mind rushing, "he did this?" The older asked his hands shaking in rage.
"Where is he?!" Taeil yelled loudly.
"H-He got arrested" Xiaojun said his eyes puffy as well.
"I-m gonn-" Taeil started but was cut off by a doctor and 2 nurses rushing into the ER. Jaehyun didn't hesitate to grab onto the doctor, his eyes pleadingly.
"W-what's happening?!" Jaehyun said worry and fear lacing his voice.
"Patient Lee just flat lined" he announced and rushed away.

Those words shook everyone in the waiting room to the core. Taeil and Haechan screamed their cries echoing through the whole hospital. Jaehyun's heart shattered, he felt his whole world collapse.
He could feel his breath shortening, he was feeling suffocated.
Running through the hallways Jaehyun rushed outside, his breathing feeling shallow, his mind was spinning.
"W-why Taeyong why?!" He shouted in anger, his mind feeling fuzzy, he began to feel week and before he knew it he fell on the concrete with a thud.
"Jaehyun!" he heard someone yell before everything went black.


"Why is everything black?" Taeyong asked but no one answered, there was nothing just emptiness, it was an endless void of nothing.
"Where am I?" He asked but there was no reply.
"Everything feels heavy" he told no one in particular.
Closing his eyes hoping to hear anything he heard a faint rhythmic beeping.
"What's that?" He asked again to no one in particular.

"Maybe you should go home, Jae" Taeyong heard someone say the voice not being recognizable to him.
"Jae? Jaehyun?!" Taeyong screamed into the void.
"I can't leave him, he needs me" He heard a deep voice answer in a tired tone.
"He will be fine, I can stay with him you go, the doctors said they don't know when he will wake up" the voice rang through Taeyong's mind.
"When he will wake up?" Taeyong asked confused.
He began to think about what happened and remembered the events of the party.
"Oh no! Am i dead?!" Taeyong screamed.
"Wait I can't be dead, whoever is talking with Jaehyun said I would wake up, and the beeping" Taeyong said.

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