Chapter 12

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"HYUNG" Haechan shouted from the door followed by a awkward looking Taeyong.
"Hyung?!" came in a confused looking Jungwoo, and realization hit him, he looked at Taeil, Haechan, and lastly his eyes landed on Taeyong finally noticing the bandages on Taeyong's palms.
"Taeyong what happened to your hand" asked a concerned Jungwoo.
Doyoung looked away knowing his brother was the reason, Taeil noticed this from the other and said "Jungwoo can you make some tea for the boys" and with that Jungwoo walked to the back.
"Hyung Taeyong said I have to cook for him, aren't you scared I could burn the building down?" Haechan said with a confused look, Taeyong laughed and dragged a whiny Haechan.
"I will take care of it Hyung, my hand is fine" Taeyong smiled and Taeil gave him a concerned look but nodded. After Taeyong and Haechan walked upstairs Taeil excused himself and began to brew a coffee for a Doyoung.
Looking around at the café Doyoung noticed at picture near the counter wall, being curios he walked closer and admired the photo, he recognized a smiling Taeyong, one of his hand around his younger brother Heachan who was looking at Taeyong, and the other around a boy Doyoung didn't recognize, the boy in question was a bit taller than Taeyong, he had brown hair and smooth facial features leaning his head on Taeyong's shoulder.

"That's Sicheng, better know as WinWin " said a grinning Taeil  " A very close friend of Taeyong and the family, if it weren't for him Taeyong would've been ...." Taeil's grin turned into a frown as his thoughts wandered to the fateful night that caused his younger siblings to transfer schools.
"Taeyong would've been what ?" Doyoung pondered and at the look Taeil gave him he knew he crossed a line.
"Your drink is ready" said Taeil quickly changing the subject.
"So ... this WinWin, i can tell by smile on Taeyong's face in the picture that he was someone special to him." Doyoung stated while sipping the coffee that Taeil brew, tasting the rich flavors, with a moan of indulgence he looked up at the older, who raised an eyebrow.
"Sicheng was the first friend ever made, he was the first person Taeyong ever brought home, sadly after transferring Taeyong in a rush, they lost contact." Taeil replied a smirk evident on his face.


"Hyung are you sure you are okay ? I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner!" Haechan sniffled, eyes glossing over, wanting to cry.
"Haechanie it's okay, I'm okay, it's just a small cut and bruising" Taeyong reassured him, smiling wide at the younger, "Now go to your room, I will be fine"

Haechan's room was full of light, from his pastel yellow walls to his clip lights with pictures of him and his hyungs thought the years, his room was felt same and happy.
Laying on his bed he took out his workbooks and began to take notes, after a couple of minutes he heard his phone and looked to see a message from someone he didn't expect but he felt his heart flutter.
"How?!" he asked himself.

Mark: Hi Heachannie, I asked jaemin for your number, I hope you don't mind, please talk to me, I'm sorry about Jaehyun hyung and I'm sorry for trying to stop you.

Reading the message over and over, he didn't know what to say, but he knew he was gonna fight Jaemin.

Haechan: It's Haechan for you, and there is nothing to talk about, we aren't friends, at least we were but things happen.

Haechan replied and threw his phone at his pillows, his mind not wanting to look at the reply but his heart feeling otherwise.
Hearing the 3rd ding he crawled up to his phone and read

Mark: Haechan
Mark: Haechan please
Mark: Just give me another chance, I will make it up to you, please.
"One more chance wouldn't be so bad" Heachan thought and with that he replied
Haechan: Alright Mark you get one chance and that's it, but you have to buy me lunch. Take it or leave it.
Mark: Alright, Thank you, you won't regret it, I will buy you lunch as many times as you want deal?
Haechan: Deal

With that message Haechan shrieked of joy, making a concerned looking Taeyong and Taeil walk in the youngest's room,
"Haechannie are you okay?!" asked a confused Taeil as he watched Haechan kick his legs in the air.
"Everything is fine hyungs, just peachy" answered an overjoyed Haechan.
After his Hyungs left Haechan realized he forgot to save Mark's number, saving it as
Dozing off after his re-reading his messages with Mark, he wondered if Mark was as excited as he was about lunch.
On the other end, Mark decided to save Haechan's number as
My Sunshine ☀️
Mark was really grateful to be given a second chance, he couldn't contain his happiness and started jumping around the room alarming his roommate Johnny.


~ If anyone is confused, I'm sorry, feel free to leave comments (if anyone does read my story) 😭

Also, Mark, Jungwoo, and Haechan look so cute in this photo shoot~

Also, Mark, Jungwoo, and Haechan look so cute in this photo shoot~

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