Chapter 19

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⚠️⚠️ WARNING ⚠️⚠️
Taeyong's past resurfaces, if you don't feel comfortable reading it please skip
Please skip the clouds if you don't feel comfortable

" Okay class, that's all for today, enjoy the rest of your day" said Mr.Kim while everyone packed their bags.
Winwin put on his satchel and immediately grabbed onto Taeyong's hoodie, dragging him out, leaving a confused Jaehyun and Yuta watching them walk away both hurt.

"Chengie? What's wrong" asked Taeyong looking at Sicheng wide eyed.
"Taeyong, Are you okay? That night....... after what he did to you Haechan and Taeil took you away I never heard from you" said WinWin teared eyed while hugging Taeyong.
"Chengie, I'm sorry after .... he .... I couldn't.... Taeil and Haechan...." Taeyong was at a loss for words his mind flashed back to that night, they way he felt helpless, he started sobbing uncontrollably.
"Yongie, how about we ditch school? We could go to your Taeil hyung?" asked WinWin with a sincere voice and a small smile.
"Ditch school? On your first day?" taeyong sniffled, "Yeah, it's okay Yong, we can be back for lunch, how does that sound?" giving Taeyong a warm hug to which Taeyong nodded.
Grabbing Taeyong's hand, both boys walked out of the campus, not realizing that Yuta and Jaehyun just witnessed everything that happened, leaving them puzzled.
"What were they talking about, who is this "he" and why was Taeyong so shaken by the mention of them?" all of these questions running through his head with no answers in sight.
"Why can't WinWin hold my hand like that?" asked Yuta, making Jaehyun stare at him and pinch him in his arm.


"Taeyong? WinWin?!" screamed a surprised Taeil after seeing the grey/silver haired boy who gave Taeil a big smile. "I'm so happy to see you Win but also why are both of you here, Don't you have class?" said a perplexed Taeil, looking over at Taeyong who was puffy and red eyed, and immediately went into, dad/hyung mode,
"Taeyong what's wrong?! Who hurt you? Was it Jaehyun again?!" said Taeil while, holding Taeyong, voiced laced with worry.
"Hyung I'm fine, it just..... seeing Chengie made me so happy" Taeyong gave Taeil a reassuring smile.
"What do you mean was it Jaehyun again?" asked Sicheng with an eyebrow raised.
"It's nothing Chengie" said Taeyong but Taeil wasn't having it, "Jaehyun, let's just say they met on the wrong foot" said Taeil.
"Jaehyun as in Jaehyun, Taeyong's project partner?" asked Sicheng, very confused.
"Project Partner? What does Win mean by partner Taeyong" asked Taeil in a stern voice
Taeyong avoided eye contact knowing he was going to get scolded, "MeandJaehyunpartneredupforMr.Kim'sproject,weactuallymadeupandnowwearefriends,alsowewillmeetupatyourcafe" Taeyong said closing his eyes not wanting to see Taeil's reaction or Sicheng's confusion.
"Woah, slow down, take breaths Yongie" said a very lost Taeil
"Okay, what I was saying was me and Jaehyun partnered up for Mr.Kim's project, we actually made up and now we are friends, also we will meet up at your cafe" said a nervous Taeyong
"Win can you give us a minute?" said Taeil, grabbing onto Taeyong's sleeve and pulling him up the stairs to their apartment.

To say Taeyong was scared,was an understatement, he knew his hyung didn't have the best image of Jaehyun but the Jaehyun he knew was different, he was nice and kind, even though they just got on good terms Taeyong felt safe and warm with the other, "why can't my hyung see this?" Taeyong thought.

"Why are you partnered up with Jaehyun, he hurt you Taeyong?! He's like Kai don't you see that?!" screamed Taeil.


Taeyong cried at the mention of the boy that hurt him, stalked him, tormented him, and abused him. His mind went back to that night, he remembered the way Kai touched him and hurt him, they way he screamed for help but no one arrived feeling helpless and used, until his Chengie arrived and beat Kai up to a pulp. That night that ruined his Sophomore year and his life, Taeyong was never the same after that.
The red flags were there, from Kai following him to school to Kai figuring out where he lived at the time, but he chose to ignore it till it was too late.
Taeyong couldn't take the memories flooding back and he fell to his knees clutching his head, "Taeyong?!Yong?! Yongie?!" screamed Taeil after realizing what he said and caused "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" he added while engulfing a sobbing Taeyong into a hug.


After Taeyong stopped crying, he looked at his Taeil hyung and grabbed his hand giving it a reassuring squeeze
"Hyung it's okay, Jaehyun isn't Kai, Jaehyun is different, he apologized and he meant it, he make me feel safe and I don't feel alone with him, he won't hurt me. I believe in him and so should you. Don't you trust me?" asked Taeyong with so much sincerity in his voice, causing Taeil to sniffle and reply "If you trust him, I trust you, I will give him a chance but he has to prove himself to me and Haechan, Haechan won't go easy on him as I did, but I trust you" Taeyong sniffled and replied while fidgeting with Taeil's shirt sleeve, "I know hyung, Haechan already told me, he found out before you, sorry".

Hugging each other for what felt like ages, there was a knock on the door, "Sorry to ruin the moment but Taeil hyung we have to get back to school" said Sicheng with a questioning look "Is everything okay? Why are you guys on the floor?" added they silvered haired boy
"Oh right, did you boys want anything before you leave to school?" said Taeil while getting up and helping Taeyong up off the ground as well.
"Yes, can I have a Thai Milk Tea with boba please?" asked a happy WinWin. Walking down the steps Taeil looked back and asked, "Taeyong are you coming?" Taeyong nodded and added, "Yeah give me a minute".

Taeyong walked towards the bathroom and splashed water on his face to de-puff his swollen eyes when he heard a his phone ding.
Jaehyun 🌱: Hey Yong, where are you? I saw you leave with WinWin, is everything okay?
Taeyong froze his thoughts began racing again, "Did he hear me and Chengie? Did he hear us talk about him? What am I gonna do?"
"Hey Yongie we have to go" scream WinWin from the living room.
Taeyong did his breathing exercises that Haechannie taught him, after feeling a bit better, he raced to the door where WinWin waited for him.


~ I hope everyone understood my warning if they needed to skip that part of the chapter, I really am trying to get the story moving along and to the point 😭

Let me know what you guys think
also no offense to Kai, I love him, he's so sweet 🥺💕~

Let me know what you guys thinkalso no offense to Kai, I love him, he's so sweet 🥺💕~

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