Chapter 23

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Class ended and lunch time rolled around, the group of friends, which included everyone minus the Dreamies walked out to the patio tables, which were in front of the football fields and a parking lot. Everyone was chatting about the upcoming party, and what time they would arrive.
"Hey Johnny, Jaehyun and I are going to grab snacks, we will be back" said Yuta sending a wink to WinWin specifically, and the boys walked away towards the cafeteria.

"So Yongie, obviously we have to arrive together" said an excited WinWin, taking a sip of his lemonade.
"I'm going with Jaehyunnie, he asked me to go with him" stated a joyful Taeyong making everyone coo.
"Yeah but before, we are going over to my place and picking an outfit, you should come with us Win, I'm sure I could find something to make Yuta crazy" said Ten winking at WinWin, WinWin immediately blushing and denying everything, but it didn't slide, past Ten.
"So Yong, how are you and Jaehyun?" asked a curious Ten inching closer to Taeyong.
"Jaehyun?! He's nice, kind, warm and everything nice" replied Taeyong blushing fiddling with his hoodie, growing shy by the minute.
"Do you like him?!" asked jungwoo, who spoke up for all of them, making Taeyong blush scarlet red and think to himself, "Do i like Jaehyun, i always feel so happy and alive and safe with him, he makes me feel comfortable and stress free" ,
"I think I do" said a shy Taeyong making everyone gasp, and making WinWin's heart leap.

"Hey, Win are you okay, why are you crying?" asked a worried jungwoo, making the other two face him, WinWin gave Taeyong a light smile, "Yong I'm so happy, you don't know how happy hearing that made me" sniffled WinWin, causing Taeyong to get up and hug him, "I want a hug too" said a pouty, Jungwoo who decided to hold Ten in a choke hold and drag him into the hug making WinWin and Taeyong laugh.
"Wow, WinWin, I leave you for 5 minutes and you cheat on me with my friends boyfriends, real smooth" joked Yuta, who earned a smack form Johnny, "Wow Johnny, we are fated because I wanted to do that too" joked Ten, causing Johnny to laugh and wink as well.

Everyone ate snacks comfortably, Johnny and Ten left a bit after they had arrived, saying they had to talk to Mr. Taehyung leaving the others at the table.
Jaehyun couldn't get enough of Taeyong, sitting close to each other, Jaehyun reached for Taeyong's hand and held it waiting for the other to reject him, but was shocked when the opposite happened, instead Taeyong laced their fingers together, looking at Jaehyun with a glint of happiness in his eyes that sent Jaehyun to the moon, thoughts raced through Jaehyun's head,
"Where does this lead our relationship? Are we friends or more than that? Why is this so hard?" Jaehyun thought.
"Jaehyunnie, I'm gonna go to the restroom" said Taeyong, cheeks dusty pink
"Okay don't take to long" said Jaehyun, sad at losing the feeling of Taeyong's hand in his.


The hallway was barren, no one was around, "everyone must be in the cafeteria" thought Taeyong while walking alone, suddenly chills ran up his spine, feeling as if he was being watched, he looked back but saw no one, so he shrugged it off and walked into the boys room, after entering the stall, he heard the door open, "Someone else is here? Oh well yeah yongie it's a school restroom" Taeyong's thoughts wandered, walking out, he washed his hands and was reaching for a paper towel when he looked up and saw a taller male with sharp features and dark eyes the could pierce to someone's soul, Kai.

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All of Taeyong's nightmares resurfaced, and he froze on the spot.
"Taeyong, I finally found you" said Kai going in to embrace Taeyong, causing him to flinch.
"K-Kai, wh-what are you doing h-here?" replied Taeyong voice shaking from fear.
"I-I came to find you, I'm missed you, you miss me too right?" said Kai voice hardening, inching closer to Taeyong, making Taeyong hit the wall.
"K-Kai? Please don't do this?" Taeyong said tears finally spilling from his eyes.
"Taeyong no shhhh, it okay you are safe now, that brunette can't hurt you" said Kai making Taeyong's eyes go wide with realization, "Jaehyun?!"
"Taeyong, you can't run away again, I will find you" said Kai moving in and facing down near Taeyong's neck, fear running through Taeyong.
"Kai Kai Kai, don't do this, why me?! Why?" Taeyong screamed, causing Kai to breath in an bite down on Taeyong's shoulder, screaming louder in pain Taeyong cried, "Please anyone, help me, Jaehyun, WinWin please anyone" Taeyong begged and pleaded .


"Hey what are you doing?" screamed a voice from the door, causing Kai, to let go of Taeyong and dash out of the bathroom not before whispering "see you soon, love" making Taeyong cry more and fall to the ground holding his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" asked a white haired boy with thick dark brows, "let me help you" said the boy smiling, while reaching over to a trembling Taeyong, who flinched "It's okay, I won't hurt you, I'm Xiaojun, I'm here to help" and Taeyong nodded tears still spilling from his eyes, getting up, but failing after his legs gave up.

"Okay, I need to carry you is that okay, I can take you to nurse Kun" said Xiaojun. "Okay" Taeyong said softly. Xiaojun carried Taeyong on his back out of the bathroom being stopped by two boys, a brunette and a silver haired boy.
"Yong?!" "Yongie?!" both boys said at the same time, making Xiaojun and a crying Taeyong look up. WinWin and Jaehyun both ran up to Xiaojun and Taeyong, Jaehyun removing Taeyong from Xiaojun's back and noticing how Taeyong flinched from his shoulder and looking to see a blood print that looked like a bite soaking through the hoodie, making Jaehyun enraged, Taeyong cried into Jaehyun's arms, "Look Win!" Jaehyun screamed in anger causing WinWin to look back and see Taeyong's blood soaked hoodie, looking back at Xiaojun, who connected the dots that WinWin connected.

"W-wait ! I-its not what you think? I...." but he didn't finish his statement after WinWin punched him in the face, making Xiaojun grunt in pain,
"WinWin, it wasn't him, it was Kai" said Taeyong sniffling, making WinWin go wide eyed in disbelief.


~I wasn't planning to update today but......

I can't believe that my story made it to #9 on the Jaeyong list!!!!!!

I'm beyond surprised, thank you to everyone that reads my story, it all thanks to you guys 💕~

I'm beyond surprised, thank you to everyone that reads my story, it all thanks to you guys 💕~

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