Chapter TEN

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Be Brave

AS MINDY SLOWLY ENTERED the room behind Richard, she knows that this was going to be a little hard for her, not being able to speak her mind, but she knows that she had to be focus and do as she should so that everything would work out right.

Mindy notices the King and Nick, who had this grim upon his face, but they weren't the only ones in there, ten other vampires, which made her nervous because she knows if anything went wrong as far as her screwing up, that Richard wouldn't be able to save her.

"There you are, Slave," the King yelled out.

Mindy wasn't focus on him, so it took her a moment to realize that he was looking at her, even do she tried to hide in the shadows so no one would look her way. Mindy was standing near the food table, so she decides to grab a tray, and careful walked toward the table with her head low and place a tray of food before them. As she placed the tray on the table, she heard Nick make this gasping sound once he realized who she was. But he played it off very well by a convincing cough, so that no other vampire would know what he was up to.

She couldn't help herself from letting out this small smile, as she turned to walk back near the serving table, even do she wanted to stay standing there so bad, but she couldn't. Mostly since house cleaners weren't allowed near where the vampires were sitting, they had to be always ten feet away.

Dinner continued as planned, all the way until dessert, Mindy noticed a dark red-haired vampire take out a scroll from his bag, as he sat up right, he had this smile upon his face as Nick had when she walked into the room. That's when she noticed that it was the vampire that was always with Nick.

Mindy looked over to the King and noticed he had his hand reached out waiting for the contract. She knows that at this moment she would have to act fast, Nick grabs the scroll from the red-haired vampire trying not to make eye contact with him, placed it in the Kings waiting hand. She knows that she would have to get close to the King and placed the scroll near the candle flame so that it would catch the heat and without burning it.

Before she knows it, she was walking over to them, without thinking of a game play.

"Master, is there anything I could do for you?" Mindy asked, in which all the vampire's heads turned to look at her, she swallowed hard, scared of what would happen. What in the hell have she gotten herself into, sticking my nose into this? She could feel Richard's eyes upon her, scared of what would happen now.

He quickly stood up, "I'll handle this, father," he said. She could hear all the fear he had underneath his breath, but he was such a better actor than she was. He walked over to her, and grabs her arm hard then began to lead her away from the table until the red-haired vampire stood up.

"NO, wait actually there is," he said.

Richard just let his hand drop from her arm as she slowly turned and walked towards the vampire.

"You could entertain me," he ordered.

What? He was probably not the kind of guy who enjoyed dancing or anything like that, so she knows what he wanted so she swallowed her pride and began stripping off her clothes until she was just in her bra and underwear.

All eyes were focused on the prize in which it was her; all she couldn't think about that, the important thing was her had getting her fingers onto that scroll. So, she did all she could getting the food out of the way, for the first time she used her powers and had the food floating above them. She could hear them gasping once they realized what she truly was.

Then she could hear them congratulating the King and Richard in owning her. In which if they only truly know the truth about everything that has been going on here in the castle, Mindy started wondering of all the times she had with Richard......

"Stop.... Mindy, you need to focus on the task at hand," she told herself. So, she tried and began walking in the sluttiest way that she could think of, placing herself at the table. She eased herself up and began doing gymnastics, as much as she could.

She slowly made her way to the King and Richard, who was sitting to the right of the table. The King still had the scroll in his hand just twirling it, wondering if he should be mad or pleased about her appearance this evening.

She felt the vampire's licking at her body, while she continued to dance. Mindy had to stay focus even do all she wanted to do was yell out "Perverse!" Mindy bowed down at the end of the table in front of the King, "You're Majesty," she softly said but that's when she noticed that he was at the edge of a totally breakdown, so this was her only chance.

She twirled around, letting herself fall into guess who???

The King's lap "Is there anything I could do to please my master," she asked him as she looked into his eyes seeing this hunger burn deep inside him.

The scroll was in his right hand, she dared looked into his eyes as he smiled this evil smile at her, the kind of smile that would haunt a person forever as they closed their eyes.

"You're so beautiful," he said before showing his fangs at her, ready to strike. Mindy then reaches up to touch his face, as her skin laid upon his, and with the other hand she reached out for the scroll, and then before she knows it the scroll burst into fire. The King dropped it, at the same moment she felt hands grab her and she was thrown to the other side of the room, hitting the wall and before she knows it, she blacked out noticing that it was Nick, who throw her.

As I woke, my whole body ached, I was laying on something warm and soft but where was I. At first, I thought I was dead and maybe in the kingdom of heaven on a cloud. But then again that could be because I would have not been aching as I was.

I started to feel all the pain, a voice in the distances and all my sense once again, I groaned and felt somebody weight shifting besides me. That someone was slowly and softly stroking my hair, in which felt wonderful. I slowly opened my eyes, I felt them heavy, and I could barely move my body. But I noticed it was Richard who was sitting next to me, holding my hand in one of his and stroking my hair with the other, I smiled weakly at him.

"Hello, beautiful," he whispered.

"Hi, handsome," I whispered back and tried to give him a better smile.

He smiled looked like painful for him to do, and that's when I know it was coming, "You know how stupid that was, you could have been killed," he said to me.

But instead of giving him any answer, I asked him a question, "Did the King sign the contract?"

Richard shocked his head, "No he did, he discovered that it was a totally fraud... thanks to you my dear. I slowly nodded my head and closed my eyes for a moment. "I thought I may lose you," he sadly spoke again.

"I'm sorry, you mad at me," I asked. He didn't reply he just looked at me for a moment before shaking his head no.

"Why would you put yourself in that much danger, Mindy?" I knew he would ask me this question, wanting to know why I would strip down to my underwear and risk my own life to save him, to save his family's legacy.

I looked at him, and whispered, "Because I love you, Richard.

He was silent for a moment before this gorgeous smile spread across his face and replied, "I love you too, Mindy." He looked at me for a moment more before telling me, "Now rest those beautiful eyes, and I will be right here waiting for you in the morning my love," he whispered to me as he pulled the covers further over my body, so it almost covered my head, and a good night it was going to be. 

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