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SHE ROLLED OVER TO HER SIDE to once again find herself alone once again, she hated being alone. Mindy was coughing once again due lack of water; she leaned up against the wall and tucked the blanket around her. She felt dizzy and her views was blurry; Mindy know that in any moment she would be losing conscious once again.

Richard was up in their bedroom, he felt empty without her, the bed seemed too big in some way. And when he would close his eyes the only thing that would come in mind was the bruises and blood around Mindy's neck, not the sweet image of her laying in the bed with his arms around her and the glow she gave out knowing that he was keeping her safe from the world around.

"Come on Richard, you need to focus and don't let her get to you. Stay cold as you can with her, she totally deserves it," he told himself as he was lying there, trying to stay force on the images of her with that man, and him holding onto her. But he couldn't hold on to that images cause in just one moment he could see her smiling that wonderful smile at him and telling him she loved him.

Richard groaned at the ceiling and got off the bed, he ripped one of the drawers open, got something and stormed out of the bedroom.

She was lying on the floor, Mindy was trying to eat the bread, but it was as dry as her throat, so she placed it back on the plate. She could hear someone walking heavy on the wooden floor and then the door opened, and Richard entered the room. He looked at her and pressed his lips tightly together, just seeing the pain in her there in pain, wasting away but he could also see the love she has for him.

She sat up straighter, and whispered to him weakly, "Hi."

Richard walked over to her and slides down next to her; he took out a white bandage and said, "Come here."

Mindy lends down onto his lap and without a world he bandaged the skin under the chain, she let out a heavy sigh of relief as she felt its cool feeling and closed her eyes.

Richard began to stroke her hair while she just laid there in his lap and in no time at all she had fallen asleep. He looked down at her and show the sweetest of her sleeping near him, he wanted to hold her like this forever, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Richard left the cell quickly and heard out hunting that evening, he wouldn't return to see her again for a few nights. He was still angry with her, and he didn't explain anything to his father, too afraid that he would have her kill.

He had decided to take her a treat tonight, but as he returned into the cell she was there upon the floor, he walked over to her and sat down beside her. He had taken her a peace, intending to enjoy it with her. He knows that she would be longing for something more than just bread and water, so it wouldn't hurt for her to have this one treat.

He noticed she was asleep and was going to leave so that she could rest but he noticed she was breathing weakly, that she wasn't moving as she usually did when he come into the cell, "Mindy," he softly said as he shook her by the shoulder. "Here I brought this for you."

Slowly she turned to face him and opened her eyes to look at his handsome face. As she looked at him, he noticed that she was pale, covered in sweat, her eyes dull without the beauty of life in them and her lips dry. She totally didn't look like herself anymore.

"Richard," she softly said with her voice horsed.

He brought up his hand to her head and noticed she was very warm, "Mmmmm, that feels good," she mumbles to him, closing her eyes to his touch.

"Mindy, you're sick," he told to her, as he began to panic.

"No, I'm fine," she replied as she covered her mouth and coughed. Mindy tried to hide her hand back under the covers, but he grabbed them and noticed her hand was stained with blood and his eyes widened with worry.

"I'm going to get you out of here," he said to her, seeing for the key outside of the cell. "Mindy where did you put the key at?"


"The key, where is it?"

"I tossed it out the window!"

"What! Why in the hell would you do something like?" he said to her as he grabbed Mindy and shook her to stay conscious. In which it made her cough again and blood landed on him.

"I wanted you to believe in me, to know that I love you," she said to him.

Richard grabbed the chain and tried to rip it into two, but it was too strong, she just lied there upon the floor with her eyes closed.

"Don't you dare fall asleep, stay away please," he yelled out to her. Then with all his force, he ripped the chain out of the wall and scoped her up into his arms. Richard wasn't sure how much longer she had to live but he ran as fast as he could upstairs into their bedroom.

As their got close to the bedroom, Eddie was walking down the hall, "Richard," he said blocking them.

"Out of the way, Eddie," he sneered.

"Omg is that Mindy," he asked looking unconscious figure, "You had her chain up? How could you do that to her, the women you, yourself loves!"

"Move Eddie, and shut the hell up there is no time to explain anything right now."

"Why the hell would you do that to her," Eddie yelled out to Richard, confused about the actions that his brother had done. Why?

"That's none of your business," he growled shoving him out of the way. They reached the bedroom, and he laid Mindy down upon the bed. Mindy had already lost conscious once again, but she could hear Richard saying something to her.

"Mindy, please stay with me, please." 

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