Chapter NINE

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Dear Dairy,

It's been third day and I'm hoping that today I will be able to get out of this room and start walking around. I want to be able to start living this life with Richard and getting to know the people around here. I mean I don't even know that girl (servant) that brings me my food or asks if I need anything. I haven't talked to Eddie either, since the last time he was here with me, I hope he isn't mad at me or at Richard. I do hope that everything is all right with him. All I know is that I want to know who this girl he was talking to me about was?

So, let's see what today will bring me, hopefully it will bring me some luck!

- Mindy

SHE WAS WOKEN ONCE AGAIN Richard stroking her hair, in which she thought it was Richard. She moaned in pleasure it felt wonderful, but the person's hand felt heavier than Richard's hand, so she quickly opened her eyes and let out a gasp once she noticed that it was Matt.

She jumped out of bed if the length of the chain would let me go, which was the opposite side of the room. Matt chuckled lightly and he started walking towards he and he had this grin on his face.

He sighed and then stopped a few feet in front of Mindy, in which made her shiver. He kept his eyes on her as he raised one of his hands and that's when she closed her eyes tight, knowing what will happened next.

Mindy slowly started counting in her head, one.... two.... three.... Waiting for that first blow to come, but it never came Matt never hit her, but do she dare open her eyes to him. She couldn't decide what to do until he said, "Mindy please open your eyes!"

So, she slowly did, and saw that his hand was held out to her, she just looked at his hand for a few minutes and then carefully reached out her hand to him. He easily guided her back to the bed and helped her sit down.

Mindy kept her eyes on him and mumble, "Why?"

"Mindy, I need your help?" he asked her slowly. " "Richard is signing a fake contract with the other vampire's families and there are a lot of parts that aren't right due to its written in invisible ink. In which I was told that he will be signing his family rich's and all to Nick."

"And why should I believe that or anything you tell me at all. Or did you forget that you tried to kill me," she replied. Matt truly did something to her that she could never forget.

He then placed one of his hands on her shoulder and looked at her, "Mindy, I know that I did wrong to you and I'm truly sorry for that. Please believe me when I tell you that I am sorry." The truth in his words were true, she could see it in his eyes.

"Alright I believe you and your forgiven. But why can't you do this yourself?" she asked.

"Because Richard doesn't trust me at all mostly since I tried to hurt you, Mindy. I've apology to him a million times and tried to tell him but he won't listen. He's blinded by all of this," he told her.

Mindy nodded to him and then told him, "I'm only doing this for Richard."

"I can totally live with that," he told her and then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a key to unlocked her from the chain that was holding bond to this room. "Alright, now we need to get down there in a hurry."

Mindy walked fast out of the bedroom door but was stopped by him," you will get lost around here." He grabbed her hand and leaded the way, they turned one corner and then other and that's when she saw Eddie.

"What the hell is going on," he yelled out to them and before Mindy know it, he was beside her. "Matt, what the hell!"

"She's going to help me with something with your brother Richard. As I've told you before he is signing a fake contract and if he does that, he will sign over everything and everything will be lost," Matt told Eddie.

In which Eddie looked surprised and followed along besides them. They quickly walked, passed up so many different doors until finally they come up to one door and Eddie slowly opened the door. Mindy took in a deep breath, closed her eyes and prayed that this will all work out okay.

"Wait!" she almost yelled out when she saw Richard getting ready to sign and once, he saw her, he was beside her. Mindy never even saw him move. He looked down at her with a raised-up eyebrow giving her this look as what in the hell, she was doing there.

"Sir, sorry to have bored you but I need to talk with you," she told him while he kept his eyes on her since she got out of her regular cloths and put on a slutty little house cleaner outfit.

He shook his head, then he softly said to me, "Looking very sexy!" Mindy rolled her eyes at him and walked forward into the hallway.

"Okay since you're here, remember the simply rules, don't look at anyone at all and don't speak out of term either, unless you are spoken to, understood?"

"Yes Sir," she replied.


"But Sir, you need to look at the contract more, you're signing your whole family riches away," Mindy began to tell him.

"Stop, I know, and I will deal with it all. So, let's return to the meeting," he told her and then they went back into the room where they all sat at a large table in the center of the room and looked over the papers on the table.

Mindy followed behind him and all she knows is her stomach began to hurt and she couldn't focus, at all.

He squeezed her hand and told her, "Focus, darling." 

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