Chapter FIVE

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ONCE MORNING CAME, she got up and showered and slowly got dressed in a red sundress and some black sandals. Her stomach began to twist even though she knows what she was feeling for him, she couldn't tell him. She stood in the bedroom and looked out the window, she didn't notice him come behind her until she felt him grab her hand and lead her out of the room and downstairs to the front door.

He turned to face her and softly said, "Goodbye Mindy". She thought at that moment that him telling her goodbye would free her, but it didn't. Her feelings for him began to explode inside of her, in which it seemed that he could see it all in her face because the next thing he did was huge her tightly and whispered in her ear, "Please don't go, stay here with me. I want you, Mindy."

She didn't know what to say to him, in a way she was afraid to refuse him, but also to lose him if she did leave. She knows that he would be able to protect him from my father and all others out there in the world. She knows he did her wrong the first week she came here, but in some wired way, she needed him.

Then she began to feel the tears running down her cheeks and then when she was about to turn and walk out the door when he caught her by my wrist. "I can't!" she sadly said.

"Of course, you can," he told her with this smile across his face. He took her into his arms again and this time she hugged him tightly and closed her eyes and took a deep breath so that she could take in his scent, and he totally smelled wonderful. He lends down and softly kissed her on the lips and then he lifted her up into his arms and carried her back into his bedroom and went straight to the bed and they lay there together just holding one other.

"Now sleep my sweet princes," he told her as she began to drift off to sleep.


She didn't know how long they slept but she was awoken by someone stroking her hair, so she slowly opened her eyes to find Richard looking down at her. She was about to speak when her stomach began to rumble, and her cheeks turned bright red. That's when Richard let out a laugh, which made her feel totally embraced.

She pulled the cover over her head and told him, "Go away!"

"But why would I," he replied joking.

"Cause you're making me blush." He left out another laugh and then got off the bed and headed to the door.

"Hey where are you off to?" she asked him, Jesus she sounded desperate. He chuckled and had this sexy grin across his face.

"You truly don't want me to leave!"

"No, I don't," she admitted to him. He walked back over to her and lend down and gave Mindy a kiss on her cheek. "I won't be long, I'm heading to the kitchen to get you something to eat," he sweetly said.

"Well alright, but hurry back," Mindy playful said to him, and just like that he was out of the room.

Mindy closed her eyes for just a few minutes before she noticed him re-entering the bedroom, she giggles for a moment and was about to say that he returned so 'fast' as she opened her eyes, she noticed that it wasn't Richard. But saw another vampire looking at her. He was tall, with exceptionally light skin as all vampires have, short black and grey hair, and his eyes, his eyes were blood red.

"Well, I guess he decides to keep you after all. A slave witch girl enjoying herself in her Master's room," he said to Mindy with this coldness in his voice. He walked closer to the bed; she sat up in bed letting her feet hang off the bed but was pushed back onto the bed by the throat and his fangs were out. Mindy couldn't yell out for Richard to come and help her. Then he picked her up and throw her on the floor in where she could feel a rib break and she let out a loud scream of pain.

"Mmmmm, I will make sure that there is nothing left of you once I'm done," he kicked her hard once again, in which Mindy yelled out.

He was about to strike me once again, when Richard busted through the door, and yelled out, "What the hell are you doing, Matt." But he looked down at Mindy and kicked her hard in the face making her vision blurry and at that moment she blackout.

"Mindy," she heard Richard calling my name, but it seemed like he was so far away. "Mindy, please open your eyes, let me see that you're okay."

She slowly opened her eyes and lied to him, "I'm fine." she tried to seat up, but it was impossible due to the pain shot throughout her.

"No, you're not, please lay still," he replied worried about Mindy's health, and laid her back down on the bed. "What happened?" he asked her while holding her left hand in his.

Mindy couldn't say a word, she was still trying to remember everything that happened the moment he left the room, wondering why this would happen to her. She looked at him and he had a worried look on his face which made her feel sad inside, mostly since this was probably her fault for smelling sweet to all vampires. She started to cough hard and notice that blood was coming out which worried him even more.

At that moment she tried to get up again, but he said to her, "Shhh... don't get up, everything will be alright."

Mindy was about to speak to him, but he told her that it would be best for her to rest and just sleep. She knows he was right, the time would help me heal better and faster, so she just nodded to him and closed her eyes.

She didn't know how long she was out but once she woke Richard was there beside her playing nurse, "Rest Mindy, you just need to sleep so that your body will be able to heal better." Mindy didn't say a word, she just falls back to sleep knowing that he was right there to keep her safe.

It must have been other two more days before she finally woke, Richard was sitting down on the edge of the bed, she tried getting up, but he quickly moved to my side, "No, don't move," he said.

"I'm sorry Richard, but I need to get up," Mindy told him, as she once again tried to get up, he then pushed her back down.

"Lay still."

"NO," she yelled out at him.

"You will lay still, or I will make sure you don't move a muscle by tying you to the bed until I know that you are well."

"You wouldn't?"

"Try me!" he narrowed his look at her, and she scowled back.

She guesses he noticed that he had won this round, so she laid back down on the pillow, "Fine."

He smiled, looking at her like a child in a candy store when their parent tells them no. He slowly lends down and kissed her on the forehead and softly brushed my cheek, "It's only for your own good, Mindy. I don't want to see you in pain."

She nodded and just laid there, giving him the evil eye as he took care of me, she wasn't used to someone doing things like this for her, mostly since she took care of herself. Mindy's father never did a thing for her or did care.

He then got up and headed out of the room, so that he could bring me some lunch, he turned around once at the door with his hand on the nob and looked at her, "Do not get off that bed," he told me.

Mindy lay there in bed, just looking up at the ceiling before she knows it, I fall back to sleep.

She didn't wake again until the next day, "Good morning, Mindy."


"How are you feeling today?"

"I'm doing just fine, no pain at all, thank you," she replied to him.

He lends down and gave her a hug and just held her without saying anything at all, he then moved his body so that he would be able to lay down with her. He just held her the rest of the night or really day, but she couldn't help it, to stop the nightmares. 

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