Chapter 12

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Yuki's perspective~

-Are you ready? – asked TJ, holding his hand on a handle.

-Just open it – I said, overturning my eyes.

He opened the door and we landed in a room with all walls painted white. In the corner behind the door was a computer.

-And...? What is it? – I asked confused.

-Just sit on this in the middle – he said, giving me a blanket.

I looked at him hesitantly, but I took it and spread on the floor, while TJ was doing something on the computer.

-Where it might be the night now...? – he murmured, probably forgetting that I have good hearing.

As he clicked the button, the light faded and all walls became black. I was sitting in the darkness, slowly starting to feel anxious. My sight changed into the nightly one, so I saw TJ still standing next to the computer.

-Ok, now, close your eyes, coz I know you can see everything – he said, turning to me.

I sighed and listened to him. Now my ears were catching every sound which TJ was making and that he sat on the blanket next to me.

-Open your eyes – told me TJ and I heard a smile in his voice.

When I did it, trillion tinkling points on the walls overflowed my eyes used to the darkness. I had to blink few times till I could admire the beauty of the view.

-Are these... stars? – I asked charmed.

-That's right – nodded TJ, looking at my reaction.

My heart was racing in delirium as I was looking around. The walls seemed to disappear and we were sitting on a meadow surrounded by sky peppered with stars.

-It's so beautiful... I haven't seen so many of them before... - I sighed and felt my neck hurting because of looking upright. – In Canada forest covered the sky.

-I knew that you will like it – he smiled. – I've seen them many times when I was on the battlefront, but you were living in the huge city, so...

-Thank you, TJ – I said with wide smile and lowered my gaze. – You know, I was thinking about this 'going to Spiritual World' thing...

-And? – His face became darker. Probably he was preparing for the worst.

-And I decided to wait some time – I grinned to him. – I started to like you guys.

-Really?! – he shouted brightly and happiness came onto his face. – That's great!

-But TJ... - I continued with crooked smile. – I didn't tell you, but I can feel if two people love each other and I knew that our friends were going out... It's part of my power. And, this entails that I know if someone loves the person, who might not see this...

He looked at me with kind of fear and uncertainty and lowered his gaze, giving me a chance to talk.

-I know you like me very much, but... Well, it's not that I don't like you – I giggled quietly. – You're really handsome, you knew that? – I asked with a smile and saw that he lifted the corner of his mouth. – But I feel that your love is not mature enough and if we would become a couple, it could fade in few weeks or months – I told him, closing my hand on his. – I don't blight it, maybe after some time I will know you better, enough to fall in love with you – I finished optimistically.

He lifted his head and looked at me with hope. Smile filled his face and he asked:

-You really think it can happen?

-Of course, you're really nice person, good-looking man and thoughtful friend – I said truly. – I just need some time to let it grow.

-If it's so... I'll wait – he nodded and turned his gaze to the stars.

I looked at them too and ground to him with my arm, resting head on his shoulder. Yeah, I know what I've just said, but he entranced me somehow and I really liked him. I just had to be sure. I wouldn't like to begin something which could break and then we couldn't look at each other. I can't let that happen.

-Hey, where were Mallory and Halfborn? They weren't at the feast – noticed Magnus.

-They... um... - started TJ, glancing at Halfborn' door, where the shouts were coming from.

The arguing couple came out from this room, not noticing us in the hallway.

-Yeah, get out of here, floozy! – shouted Halfborn.

-Don't call me like that, you fucking moron! – snapped Mallory. – It's you that can't communicate! We're broking up!

-Fine! – answered big man.

-Hey, what are the nerves for? – I asked them brightly, putting my hands on their shoulders. I called the gods' power and sent it to the both of them. – You two should talk about it calmly!

They looked at each other quite greedily.

-You may be right, Yuki – nodded Mallory like in trance.

-We should talk about it in my room face to face – proposed Halfborn.

After they came back to his room, the rest neared to me with faces full of confusion.

-What have you done to them? – asked Alex, giggling.

-I just energized their love – I answered, shrugging with my shoulders.

-You're sure that just the love? – asked Alex.

-Love has many forms, you know – I spat and smiled.

-How do you think, Magnus, has she done that to us yet? – she giggled again, watching her boyfriend blushing.

-It's the first time I promise – I laughed. – But please, don't tell them, or they'll kill me.

-Yeah, especially in Valhalla – said TJ with conspiratorial smile. – You have allies here, their arguments can really wear on sometimes.

-I'm glad to hear that – I winked to him and went in my room's direction. 

---end of chapter 12

It's quite shorter than the rest of the chapters, but I didn't want to tuck another plot just to elongate the chapter. Hope you enjoy TJ and Yuki's relation!

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