Chapter 26

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-Welcome, my dear.
When my father said that, the clouds came apart before us and I saw… I don’t know how to draw this. It was like the houses, gardens and palaces were standing on the clouds. The dragons were flying everywhere I think because of high distances between the houses. There was just no other way to make it from one to another.
I was flying with my father on his dragon. Other gods left us very early so we were going straight to my father’s palace.
As I remembered from Tsuki’s lectures, the palaces – high, few-floored buildings belonged to the gods. The houses were for lower gods and people like Tsuki – good demons or other servants. Souls who were going to Spiritual World after death were working in the Gods’ Garden. It’s garden on the lowest cloud, as I can say, the lowest level. They were working there all eternity in peaceful atmosphere and wellbeing.
What about evil souls? Well, Tsuki never explained me this completely. She said they’re going to the Underground World. Now, after meeting Nico, who told me about his father’s place and knowing about Hellheim I think they’re going somewhere similar or actually to one of those places.
We finally reached my father’s palace. It was light pink building, like cherry blossom’s flowers. Someone was waiting for us before the entrance on the main yard. When dragon landed next to this person I could finally recognize her. My mother looked differently from the time I remember. Then she was poor and starved, but now she looked like queen. I jumped from the dragon’s back and closed her in my grid.
-Yuki! You’ve grown so pretty – she sighed, hugging me.
-I missed you mom – I said feeling tears in eyes. – So much…
-You’re with us now – she said and draw back, smiling to me. She noticed my uneasiness. – What’s wrong?
-We’ll explain you this later – said my father. – Now I have to talk with Yuki about her role now.
-Right… would you like some tea? – asked my mother.
-Of course, thank you, my love. – My father smiled a little wider than usually. I could easly notice the love between them. – Come, Yuki.
My mom left us right after the entrance. Hopefully, we were not walking by all these corridors but went straight to the inner yard. It was created exactly like those Japanese gardens in the TV. We sat on one of the stone benches, surrounded by palace’s walls.
-Yuki, as I told you, you’re goddess now – started my father. – My servants already started to call you Kitsuhime – he said with light smile.
-Why didn’t you tell me? – I asked. – If I knew that I’ll have to become the goddess to make it…
-You would choose it either way – he said. – You wouldn’t stand that your friends could die because of you. It’s your nature, my dear.
-But… I could find another way… - I sighed.
-There was no other way – he stopped me. – Even if the mage didn’t capture you, you wouldn’t have enough power to use the Spear, which was your destiny.
I noticed my mother coming closer to us. She gave us mugs with green tea and sat on the other bench not very far from ours. I sipped the tea and sighed.
-Then maybe my relationship with TJ wasn’t our destiny… - I said quietly.
-I wouldn’t agree – claimed my father. – You needed him for maturation.
-Father! Please! – I shouted and he laughed.
-You have choice, my dear – he said as he calmed. – You’re not one of the essential gods, so you can live peacefully in humans’ world.
-But TJ lives in Valhalla – I said bitterly.
-But you have place where you can meet, right?
-You mean the Chases’ House? – I asked.
-If they let you live there like, I think, forever, he might meet you every day – he threw and drank tea. – It’s good option, isn’t it?
-The best I have – I murmured.
-Don’t be so upset, Yuki. You could have died there – he noticed. – All of you. You’ve made the right choice.
-You said that I’m not essential god – I started. – So what’s my duty here?
-Here? None, really – he said, raising his eyebrows. – All your duty is protecting the Spear. Till the next war, forever, to the end of the world, who knows? And nobody is stopping you from using it whenever you want.
-Oh, really? – I spat.
-Just don’t use it unwisely – he added.
-Of course, you know me – I sighed. – I will blow the States with it.
-Be careful with sarcasm around the gods – said my father with crooked smile. – I understand it, but not all of us.
-I’ll be, don’t worry – I said with quiet laugh. – So I can get to the Spiritual World by the dragon?
-Yes, visit us often – he asked. – Your mother missed you too. She understands that you still have human life down there, but she still feels the time passing – he explained looking at his love. – Oh, yes, and your friend is also waiting to see you.
-Airi? – I asked surprised. – Is she working in the Gods’ Garden?
-Where else should she be? – he answered. – You can visit her right now, but… stay a while with us, please…
-Why wouldn’t I? – I threw and smiled.

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