Chapter 22

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Yuki's perspective~

-It's here – I said, when we neared to the borders of Yellowknife.

-You said that like you were sure of this – noticed TJ.

-Because... somehow... I know that we're in the right place – I told him confused. – I don't know why, but...

-Well, fine by me – he sighed. – It's getting dark. Let's hide somewhere till you can summon Kitsu.

-Good idea – I nodded and we passed the buildings going in the forest's direction.

After some time, the moon was the only source of light. I kneeled on the ground and wrote summoning sign. When I heard the rustle I raised my sight on shining white fox. Kitsu came closer to me and nudged my cheek with his nose.

-Welcome, my friend – I said in Japanese. – I need you to do me a favor. Do you sense any magic thing in this area?

Kitsu raised his head for a while and suddenly turned around, running between the trees.

-He found something, let's go! – I told TJ and followed the fox.

-I have déjà vu... - he sighed and ran after me.

Kitsu stopped few times to wait for me and TJ, but we didn't want to hold him up, so we were running all the time. I heard TJ panting, but right when I wanted to take a break, Kitsu stopped in the trees' line.

-What is it Kitsu? – I asked, squatting next to him.

I saw solitary house in the valley. There was only one earthy way leading to this place and surely to the rest of the village. The building had two floors and it looked like nobody was living there for some time.

-This is it? – asked TJ hesitantly.

-Kitsu? – I stroked his neck and he sent me a message "Here".

My conversations with Kitsu were based on simple words. He understood my longer sentences, but he couldn't repeat them. He was an animal after all.

-Let's look around in the house – I suggested and stood up.

I checked the area, but it seemed that no one was watching us. The valley was silent except for the rustle of trees and wind. I gave TJ the sign and we ran down to the house. Kitsu was running next to us nearly noiseless. When we reached the porch I climbed up the stairs and stopped before the door.

-Knock? – I asked TJ whispering.

-I don't think it's the best idea – he murmured and push the door which gave away very easy.

It creaked and stopped at one place, not moving forward. We sneaked inside, landing in a dark room which seemed to be a living room someday. My sight became the nightly one and I noticed huge amount of dust covering the furniture.

-This house is empty for a long time – I said. – But still, we must be careful, coz this mage might be observing us.

-Right – nodded TJ and frowned. – What's that smell?

Kitsu already went inside the house and disappeared behind the wall. TJ was right, there was a strange smell which connoted with the earth. We followed the fox and climbed up on the next floor. Kitsu turned to one of the rooms in the corridor and the smell was coming from this place. When I peeked to the room I squashed the scream.

-What the... - started TJ shocked, looking inside.

On the bed, there were lying two... mummies. The bodies were in the middle of rotting, but it seemed that the temperature stopped this process. One mummy was embracing the other very tightly.

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