Chapter 25

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-Yuki, you’ll make it, don’t worry… - Sam’s voice was reaching me like it was somewhere far away. I pulled myself out of my thoughts and looked at her.
-But why me – I whispered in blue tone.
-That question doesn’t have any meaning, never – said Percy, putting his hand on my shoulder. – Every time when the prophecy appears, someone must be ‘the core of the prophecy’. Me, you, any other demigod. But, you know what I’m thinking about this?
-What? – I asked, ‘coz he did this silent break.
-If you’re this core that means you’re strong enough to do what you must do – he said with wide smile. – And, well, you know that you don’t have to be alone?
-Oh – I murmured surprised. That’s right. Why did I think that I’ll go there by myself?
-Well, I think that our ghosty-hosty is above the sea already – spat Percy, looking at the sea, covering his eyes from the sun. – So, I’m going with you.
-Me too – said Carter, nearing to us. – It was our duty to catch Setne one day, but we did let him escape. I’ll help as much as I can.
-Oh, oh! We’re going too! Right, Magnus?! – shouted Jack.
-And what will I be doing there? – asked Magnus. – I don’t have any blow like them.
-You have me! – noticed the sword.
-Be honest, you just want to go after the Riptide, don’t you? – he sighed.
-That’s not…! Ugh! – spat Jack.
-Come on, Maggie, we need our representation in this final blow – giggled Alex. – Relax, they’ll do the rest.
-Okay… - murmured Magnus, blushing slightly.
Then all the Japanese gods landed on the ground near us. I retrieved the magic from the Spear and the circle. The light weakened and I could already move. The Spear, which became the necklace again, hanged on my hand. I took step out of the circle and finally broke the spell.
-The mage is already at the sea – said my father. – Be careful, my dear.
-Okay, how we will catch him up? – asked Magnus.
-It’s enough if we reach the water – said Percy, shrugging with his shoulders.
-I have better idea… - I squatted and started to write summoning signs.
-What do you want from Kitsu? – asked TJ, standing next to me.
-Oh, you’ll see – I smirked and stood up. – Better draw back.
I took few steps backward and raised arms, gathering the magic.
-What is she doing? – asked Taku.
-I thought you could tell us – spat TJ.
Then I felt the wind blowing, making a hurricane with the signs in the center. I straightened one arm to the sky, sending magic not to the dragon, but to the portal I opened. The furry mountain appeared before us. It unrolled, showing its big eyes, ears and claws as large as the Spear.
-What the f… - gasped TJ.
-Hello Kitsu – I said with a smile, nearing to the fox, now many times bigger then me. He nudged me with his nose and I giggled. – Okay, get on! – I shouted to them.
-On… this? – asked Percy.
-Okay – he said like it was normal to him and jumped, climbing on Kitsu’s back.
-Are you kidding me… - sighed Magnus also getting on the animal.
Carter didn’t say anything, joining them, so I jumped high and landed on Kitsu’s neck. I saw TJ’s worried look so I comforted him with a smile.
-I’ll be back, don’t worry – I said and raised my head, looking at the sea. – Let’s catch that bastard! Hold on!
Kitsu sprang in the direction I was looking and after a while he was already near the water.
-Percy! – I shouted.
-He must jump! I’ll deal with the rest! – he answered.
I told Kitsu to jump and he landed on a big wave. The water spumed and followed the fox’s steps. He was running on the water!
We saw Setne’s ship. The mage was running away but we were faster. The barrier appeared before us like a membrane, so I broke it with the Spear. As we reached the hull, Kitsu jumped and landed on the board. Setne’s silhouette glimpsed in the bridge’s window so I sent magic to the Spear and with all its length threw it in this direction. The glass broke with noise and the Spear dug into bridge’s ceiling. Kitsu jumped again and hooked with his claws in broken windows, ripping the ceiling with one paw.
Setne looked fearful at us, holding an old book. I took and advantage of him standing in one place and pulling the Spear out I threw it again aiming the blade at him. He dodged in the last moment and started running to the stairs. I didn’t know why he hadn’t flew through the floor but we didn’t really pay attention. Magnus sent Jack to block the mage’s way and we get down on broken floor.
We surrounded him. I got back the Spear and blocked Setne’s chin with its blade. Fortunately, it could touch him. Carter took his book away from him.
-There’s no way out, Setne, not this time – snapped Carter.
-Oh, impressive, you were so brave to obtain a force, sacrificing your love – said the mage to me.
-What are you talking about? – I asked, feeling unease.
-Don’t listen to him – warned Carter. – His tongue is his last resort to distract your attention.
-Of course, why would she need to hear about consequences, really – spat Setne.
-Talk – I said, digging the cold gaze alongside with the Spear into his chin.
-Don’t you remember the prophecy? – asked mage. – You’re god now. I think you won’t be able to walk by the corridors of Valhalla anymore. You know what does it mean?
I looked at him with my eyes wide open. What? If I couldn’t come back to the hotel that means… TJ and I…
-Oh yes – nodded Setne. – Long-term relationship will be very difficult if you can’t meet anytime.
-Shit… - murmured Magnus frowning.
-Yuki – said Carter. – It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. Setne must be defeated.
-Hey, Carter, how could you tell her what she should do? – asked Setne. – She had enough of killing and now she have to…?!
I broke in digging the Spear into his neck. The mage looked at me shocked. I pushed with my all human strength and made him fall on the floor.
-Why…? – he asked quietly.
-You thought that I forgot that you made TJ shot me? – I spat furiously. – What if I didn’t have the protection? You know how… would he… FEEL THEN?! – I shouted pulling the Spear in the way that his ghost body was cut in the half. – And now you’re telling me that I have to hurt him again? – I asked with tears in my eyes, but Setne was already ultimately dead. His body vanished like nothing had happened.
-Yuki… - started Percy. – He could lie, you know?
I didn’t answer ‘coz I didn’t want to think about it. After a while of silence I dried the tears and turned back.
-Let’s go, we have to tell them that it’s over – I said getting on the Kitsu, who was still hanging on the wall of the bridge.

Kitsu stopped right before the big group of people. There was the Camp residents, the Legion, Taku’s Nome, Japenese gods and demigods and my friends from North system. They had to see the ship drowning because they were clapping and cheering.
As we got down, our closest friends neared to us. TJ reached me and closed in his grip. He draw back with smile, but seeing my face, he looked at me with worried gaze.
-What’s wrong? He ran away? – he asked.
-He’s definitely dead – I sighed. – It’s… Later – I said with forced smile.
-Good job demigods! – shouted Chiron. – Is it over of his power?
-Yup, we have peace for now – sighed Percy and gazed at me.
I tried to change into my human form but nothing happened. My body glowed only when I started turning into fox, but I stayed in this white, half-human form. My father came closer and sent me a smile.
-Good work, my dear – he said. Even if his smile faded he remained silent.
-Father, tell me… - I started, fearing to ask this question. – Can I go back to Valhalla?
-What are you talking about? – asked TJ surprised.
Carter, Percy and Magnus looked at my father expectantly. He sighed and shook his head.
-No, I’m sorry, my dear – he said and I felt tears in my eyes. – Going through maturation while you were dead made you a goddess. You can walk only in this world and Spiritual World.
-So why I can use my power freely here? – I asked.
-I think it’s Spear work – he sighed. – Well, it needs the guardian, so I think you will be able to use…
-I don’t want that power – I said quickly. – I want to live with TJ, nowhere else – I added, crying.
My father put his hands on my shoulders.
-Valhalla is unreachable for you now – he said. – You can meet here.
-But… - I stopped and embraced him, crying in his chest. I felt his hands on my back.
-I’m so sorry… - he whispered. – When you visit the Spiritual World, you will be able to gain human form again – he told me that only I could hear it. – Come with me now, you can return here later.
I draw back and nodded silently. TJ was standing right next to me with painful look.
-We need to talk – I said with light smile and took his hand. – Somewhere. Only us.
-Okay – he said quietly and got on Kitsu’s back with me.
I had retrieved some magic from Kitsu, so now he was in a bear size. The fox started walking slowly to the forest when I turned to my friends and smiled to them. They were quite sad and Alex lower her gaze on the ground.
As the trees covered us that we didn’t hear the noises from the former battlefield I looked at TJ with sad smile.
-Did I understand right? – sighed TJ. – You’re going to the Spiritual World?
-Yes – I nodded. – Now I can’t go back to my normal form, but maybe when I go there I’ll be able to do that.
-That’s not the point – he whined.
-I’ll go back I promise – I said with tears in the corners of my eyes.
-But you can’t go to Valhalla anymore, right? – asked TJ and sighed. – I’ll have to be leaving it to meet you.
-Don’t feel hurt, but… did you thought at least once that we should… end this? – I asked peacefully.
-Not at all – he spat with crooked smile.
-Me too – I said truly.
-So what we’re gonna do? – asked TJ.
-I’ll go to the Spiritual World. I’ll meet my mom and friend… I’ll learn how should I behave and come back. We’ll meet at the Chases’ House – I suggested.
-Fine by me… now – he sighed.
He stroked my head and neck and leaned to me. We were kissing for some time, until Kitsu left the forest.

---end of chapter 25

I'm not in my home now, but hopefully I had some data on my phone, so I can add the chapter :D Next will be the last one!

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