장 21 • GALAXY

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"You're disgusting, Jimin..Look at you and look at me..." Jungkook annoyingly says to Jimin who are busy to drive the car

"I know , I'm disgusting and you're looking too cute which is undescribable.." Jimin sarcastically chuckles

Jungkook rolls his eyes and look at the running outside

At first morning , Jimin went to his bedroom and wake him up at that morning and forcefully drags him from Jeon mansion..

Jungkook even didn't change his dark grey hoodie which is he wore at last night ,so he looks quite messy but his rolling glass make him perfect and more cute...

Jungkook even didn't change his dark grey hoodie which is he wore at last night ,so he looks quite messy but his rolling glass make him perfect and more cute

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"Jimin!! Where are you bringing
me ?? I have been asking for a long time , but you didn't say anything..." Jungkook biwilderedly and enthusiastically ask

"And, My answer is GALAXY.." Jimin didn't look at his brother who's gradually loose his patience..But, he knows that his mafia brother will be shock in few times...

"Fuck, fuck!!!! GALAXY?? What the fucking place is that??" Jungkook now greets his teeth and look at Jimin fiercely..

But, fashion prince Jimin didn't provide him a little glare...
Jimin wear a white shirt with in black pant and his sunglasses make him more hot

Jimin wear a white shirt with in black pant and his sunglasses make him more hot

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Then, after a while finally mafia brothers reached their destination..

And, their car stop infront of a cafe which name is GALAXY...

Jungkook frown and look at Jimin with annoying face "What the hell!! You know,I don't like coffee.."

Jimin remove his sunglass and unties his seat belt " I know, you don't like coffee because now days you only prefer as drinks only alcohols..."

Yes, alcohols are now Jungkook's favorite and enjoyable companions since Taehyung left the mansion...

Jungkook didn't offer any answer because he has no mood to argue with him now...

Both of them enter in the coffee shop which is small but wooden well decorated ...

Both of them enter in the coffee shop which is small but wooden well decorated

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