장 38 • Guilt

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Jungkook goes to his room with his big steps and everyone in the hall become terrified to see Jungkook's furious face because he's so much piss off and also in pain, he enter the room and starts to throw everything and yell like hell

Everyone in the mansion become so panic to meet Jungkook's this sight again.. He start to beat his glass table with his bare hand which cause to pierce some broken glass on his palm but who's care ..No one dare to enter the room , not even Jimin

Namjoon,Jin , Yoongi everyone stand outside of room and try to calm him down but Jungkook throw things towards them also, he's not in his right mind..

Ji eun notice that and immediately invade at the moment and hug him from back , Jungkook try to yank himself from her but she tight her grip on more..

"STOP KOOK!!" Ji eun yell at him but Jungkook didn't stop he still do it

Taehyung  heard noise from office room, and he sure Jungkook did something, that offer him more pain because all things happened for him
"Sorry!!" Taehyung still chanting those words, because he's really in pain..

But, that's not remove the things that  of those pictures are not true and In that situation Taehyung hadn't any fault but Jungkook's..

Ji eun cup Jungkook's face to look at her "Kook, please stop!! Don't do this.. Why you act like this??"

She try to understand him that this things not good for him but he didn't even care because his mind occupied with Tae's thought, his stabbing words, his watery eyes everything

Yoongi notice the closeness of them which quite doubt him about them, he look at Jimin who's anxious about his brother and clear pain view on his face.. He want to ask him about their relationship between them but not now..

Jungkook grabbed his hair with his bloody hand "Why Tae?? Sorry!!!"

Jungkook fall on his knees, and tears escape from his eyes.. he hide his face in his palm and sobbing. Everyone stunned to see that unbelievable view,
Ji eun remove his hands from his shoulder and look at other members, everyone enter the room and also fall in knees infront of him

"Jungkook!! What happened??" Jimin ask because this sight is so rare to see and not endurable

"I sl~~slap him, hyung!! I give him pain ..." Jungkook saying between his sob and thought about what happened before and that make him more guilty

Everyone stunned to heard that Jungkook slap his most precious person in the world.. To listen those , Yoongi immediately get up and run into his brother's room because he knows Taehyung now in his sensitive situation

"What??" Jin yell at him "Are you fucking insane?? You slapped Taehyung but why??" Jin furiously proclaim .. Jungkook didn't say anything because , this is really his fault he shouldn't slap him at the first place but those words make him did

Jin again wants to say something but Namjoon stop him and ask "Jungkook, without reason you won't slap him ?? Then what happened between you two that you take this step??"

Jungkook look at them with their puffy red eyes and then Ji eun who's also curious about that because she also didn't meet his this side ever "He said that , me and noona are in relationship at other way, that she's my another fling. "

And, that's words stop them , this things are unbelievable to heard.. Ji eun and Jungkook together that's things are they never thought even at their nightmares also..

Yoongi bang on Tae's door loudly but he didn't open, "Tae, Please open the door!!"

Taehyung still crying between his knees and still chanting same words
' sorry ' .

"Please, Tae. please!!" Yoongi literally begging from him because he understands that Taehyung now in so much pain , now he has to stay beside him , he still banging on door .

Taehyung didn't take that anymore , and get up from bed and open the door where is hyung is horribly excited.. Yoongi to see him immediately hug him and Taehyung again break down on his shoulder ...

"Taehyung what happened ??" Yoongi ask and rub his back smoothly and try to calm him down , Taehyung sniffles and tears keeps falling..

"Let's go, inside then we will talk okay!!" Yoongi cup his face and whip his tears with thumb and suggest to go inside , Taehyung nods and go inside and place themselves on couch.
Yoongi offer him water for steady his voice

Taehyung finish the glass and his first question is " How's is Jungkook??"

Yoongi is really some time shock to see his brother's behavior how he could be this soft and polite who's already hurt him this much.. Yoongi peck on his forehead

" He's not okay and why you will tell me now.." Yoongi reply and ask to his brother who's nods

Taehyung says everything one by one and Yoongi listen because these things are confusing for him to understand

"Which photos??" Yoongi asks and Taehyung take his phone and open his gallery and give to Yoongi, he look at it and his eyes are widden to see those photos which are responsibility of this situation.

" What the fuck are these??" Yoongi scrolling and still looking at those photos , he get up and gripped the phone tightly

"I'll kill him.." Yoongi furiously exclaims and about to go but Taehyung stop him

"No, hyung!!  First listen, don't do something wrong to base on these photos like I did.. " Taehyung pleading to his hyung who's in his rage

"After see this, you still take his side?? How?? Tae!!!" Yoongi says to his brother who has really a precious heart

" Because, I love him hyung.. He did many cruel things to me in past but still I love him because he had reason behind those and I think behind these pictures also has reason .." Taehyung says like a angel who's really precious for everyone and his words like nectar ..

Yoongi surprisingly look at him and embrace him immediate "You really grow up boy.. And, I proud that I raise you like this way.. And, Jungkook said you're not worth actually Jungkook not worth for you , you're really venerated for this world"

Taehyung smile and shaking his head and embrace him back

" No, we both worth for each other.." Taehyung states

At Jungkook's office , still anyone didn't survive from Jungkook's words

"It can't be!! Taehyung won't do anything without reason , I think he has reason to say something like this, but what's that??" Jimin assert assuringly because he knows Taehyung and his polite attitude

"Yes, Jimin is right!! And, Kook I'm so disappointed that you slapped him without any think ... It's not good " Ji eun exclaims after listening the whole things

"Okay, fine!! We'll talk about this tomorrow.. Jin please treat Jungkook's wound.." Namjoon claim and everyone nods except Jungkook who's lost in his thought

He still in pain and with regretful thoughts , Jin take fast aid box and placed infront of Jungkook

"Tomorrow , you'll ask forgiveness from Taehyung!!" Jin assert and clean the wound

Jungkook look at him with puffy red eyes "With which face?? I can't show him my face , I really did bad with him which is unforgivable.."

Jin stop and look at Jungkook who's eyes feels with guiltness "With your asusual boring face " Jin exclaims and smile bit and look Jungkook who's so much pain

"Don't worry Jungkook , I know he'll forgive you.. He's very good guy."
Jin demand and again start his work

Jungkook don't know what to feel because he feels so empty and why he knows very well. He hurt his Tae , his love..


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