장 25 • Sudden

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"JUNGKOOK!!!!!!!" Jimin shouting widely and run towards him...

And, Jungkook placed himself on the ground and gripped  his right blooded shoulder tightly because of horrible agony and lot of  blood loosing...

Jimin gradually took out the knife from Jungkook's shoulder and throw it on the ground

"Let's go to hospital!!!"Jimin worriedly exclaims

"N-oo!! Jim-in aahh!!!take m-e home!! Hosp-ital not --save for --us.." Jungkook didn't pronounce words because of terrible pain

Jimin didn't extend any words because younger is right ... Outside world will recognise them , easily

Jimin help to get up and going towards the car ...but Jungkook is thinking about someone who's the reason of this situation

I won't let you go , you motherfucker ... I'll show you your place,soon and that's only hell

Few moments ago :

" I want this deal, I can't loose it... I'll offer you 2 Billion dollars" A husky middle aged voice suggest Jungkook who are look at him with blank expression

In the room , only three people attend Jungkook, Jimin and a other middle aged man

"Mr. Choi , don't forget who we are?? We are Jeon's and kai's project will be our in any cost, so back off from your place..." Jimin firmly order the middle aged man who's blowing in anger

Here, two big gang are gathered in Jonghin's place and argued between themselves for a deal which is very important for them because if anyone will get that then that one will be get more bigger....

Choi's  are one of the toughest,roughest , oldest enemy of  Jeon's since their ancestors...And both of them belong top of mafia gangs..But, now Since 25 years Jeon's are top which is Choi's don't want to accept..

Jungkook chuckles bitterly "You,mister old aged bastard !! Are you out of your fucking mind?? You are really fucking pathetic, you're just forget that how I killed your shitty bastard son infront of you...Now, here you begging me for this deal!!! This deal will be our so fuckingly get out..."

Mr. Choi fuming in anger and look at Jungkook with pure hatred because he didn't forget his son's dead body infront of him ,and he always worships for Jungkook's dead and Jeon's destroy ...

"I haven't forgotten anything , JK.. I'm waiting for right time to ruin you and your life and who are involved with you ,"

Mr.Choi look at both brothers and says again

"And, your fucking kind information I'm working on it... I know yours weak points boy.." Old man chuckles bitterly and barks venomously

Jungkook didn't take his any words seriously because he knows his future action about this older guy...

But , one words give him slightly tense 'I know your weak point'

he knows his weak point


"What JK?? Suddenly, blank expression??" Mr.Choi understand his condition that he pointed on the right things

Jungkook breathe and again plastered cold expression on his face and look at him firmly

"If, you want to play with fire then go and try...you fucking middle-aged bastard!! Because , at the last of the story you'll lay down on the ground lifelessly like your so called son infront of my foot!!" Jungkook spits with more venomous words...

Mr.Choi is a arrogant and sensitive man who love his pride more than anything...

And, Jungkook knew it very well...

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