장 23 • Family

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"What the fuck, Hyung?? Are you out of your mind??" Taehyung impatiently look at Yoongi and other characters and annoyingly asks

"Tae!!! What is this?? Have you forgotten how to speak in front of elders??" Yoongi now goes to near to him and bring him infront of the figures who are mesmerized by Tae's ethereal beauty

Woman figure approach herself towards Taehyung and touch his soft cheek and warm tears roll down from her eyes which is really undescribable she shuttering in between her tears

"My Bear!!! Ho-w are y-ou my be-ar ?? It's-- it's be-en while."

"I'm fine, ma'am but who are you?? Why are you crying like this??" Taehyung feels something strange because he can't bare her tears which is tugged him very badly

Yoongi leaned towards him "Tae!! I'm already introduced them that they're your own parents .. Your dad and mom.."

Taehyung now scoffed and ask Yoongi sarcastically

"Really!! Hyung.. My own parents who left me when I was only three years old only for their own luxury , who are didn't care of their son how he'll survive in this giant world.. You said, dad who are known for the real heroes for their sons but my dad who's busy to build his own future who left me in the middle of the road when , I really wanted him.."

Taehyung turned towards the woman figure " For you a big applause.. Please everyone , please claps for her!! You know, the most loving relationship in the world is between a mother and her child .. But in my life, the bitterest relationship.. Just forget about father because they're always busy with outside world but mother , they're always closet being for their child but you just left me when I needed you very badly.....But that time only you - only you hyung who was hold my hand and only for his hard struggle , today I'm here...So, who's real parents for me these two selfish characters or you.."

Taehyung utterly explore everything..

"You are just the big Stigma in my life
, in the whole world you both are big stigma relationship between parents and child..You shamel---"


"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH , TAEHYUNG!!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU TALK WITH THEM LIKE THAT??? " Yoongi panting heavily after yelling on Taehyung

Taehyung just shocked to his hyung's reaction and hold his left cheek which is burning for slap..."Hyung!!! "

Yoongi hold his wrist and dragging him infront of couple who are silently bow their heads and flowing their tears "Wherever , I got today, it's just for them.. Without them, I was nothing , I was just a little orphan who lost his parents when he was only seven years old..."

Taehyung about to say something but Yoongi stopped him "First, listen who are they?? This man ,was Kim Jonghin , the ex- supreme commander of South Korea Army ..This lady ,was Kim Eunlee , a cardiologist.. But, now they're only known as the owner of a restaurant which is located in Gwangju...You don't want to know why?? Only for your safety , Tae only for you..." Yoongi now , look at Taehyung who's can't beleive in Yoongi's words...

"Hyung!! I can't ---" Yoongi cut off his words "You can't understand, right??"

Taehyung nods ,

This time , lady approach Taehyung and placed him between the couple..

"Taehyung !! I'm sorry .. I will tell you everything..My bear..This story start----"


"Jungkook!! I heard you hire new assistant...but why??" Jimin now infront of Jungkook's desk and ask with frowning

"Because, I want it.. few days ago, I was distracted by some relevant things but now I understand which I need so...And, I already choose my assistant ..." Jungkook checking his files who didn't provide any glance to Jimin who's just shocked by his younger brother's decision

"What?? Who??When??" Jimin impatiently ask with curious tone

Jungkook looks at his brother who's totally confused "Yes!! I chose my assistant , He's Moonbin , Yesterday ,I appointed him...I hope you got your answer so, don't question and please leave..."

Jimin about to ask many things but he stopped by Jungkook's last phrase which is quite harsh ...So, he stopped on his path and leave the room ..

Jimin goes to his room and trying to call Yoongi but he cut his call..

"What happened?? Why he didn't pick my call?? I have to inform him, that.."

Because Jimin knows his brother , he's too much stubborn about himself and about his feeling..


"Good!! I'm proud of you that you finally entered in Jeon Mansion..Just wait for our time..."

"Yes!! Sir.. Of course !! " A younger guy reply him

"Now, leave... I'll call you later.."

Younger guy leave..

"Jeon fucking Jungkook, You'll die and no one can't stop me...You snatched my precious things in my life !! Now your turn to lost , Everything"


After hearing everything, Taehyung's eyes filled with warm tears which is like diamond because of reflected light , he immediately embrace that woman figure and burst out into tears

"Sorry!! Mom...Without knowing your truth, I spoke harshly.. Please forgive me, please!!" Taehyung still embrace her and she also did it return and crying loudly...

"You did nothing bear!! I'm happy that you accept us as your parents..Thank you.." She peck his forehead enchantingly

And, two male figures absorbed their reaction with adoration..

After some time, Taehyung break the embrace and goes to his father "Sorry!! Dad, I'm very bad son..I know, but please forgive me.."

His father pat his back and hug him "My son!! I already forgive you..Now focused on your life and your only point Jeon Jungkook.."

Taehyung whipped his tears ,and nods the words..

"Now, family hug!!!" Yoongi extended his hands towards them but Taehyung stopped him and ask with narrowed eyes "You know everything, but you didn't say anything and every month you went Gwangju to meet them ??"

Yoongi gulp and idiotically offers his smile "Ouuu!! My Taebear !! Sorry.."

He pinched his cheeks and peck on it..

"Taebear ?? Hyung don't change the topic!!" Taehyung seriously ask which is quite desperate

But, his mom suddenly interrupt his words "Okay! Okay!! Bear.. Don't scolded him, he's innocent !!We forbade him because we knew if you know , you'll want to meet.."

Taehyung didn't extend his words and pout cutely "Ouu my Tae!! Please forgive your hyung...mow mow!!!"

Taehyung offer boxy smiles and extend his both of hands and embraced the other three figures ...


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