Chapter 1

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Kristin walked into her new school, she avoided meeting people's eyes, she was called nerd, fat and all sort of names in her former school, She just hoped and prayed that she is not going to be bullied here, well that hope can't be so, that she knows . She went to the head office to collect her schedule and timetable and map of the school.
She met a nice lady in the office, typing on her laptop and speaking on phone that was secured with her shoulder.
" hello ma" Kristin tried to get her attention.
The lady raised a finger at her, telling her to give her a second. After about 10mintues the lady dropped the phone and gave Kristin a smile. " sorry dear, how may I help you "
" my name is Kristin.... "
" the new scholarship student " the lady cuts in and typed something in her laptop.
She took the printed paper and gave  it to Kristin, " that's your schedule and the school map, and your key to the new locker, have a nice day"
Kristin rewarded her with a smile ".  Thanks ma'am ".  She left the office.
She still had time so she went to search for her locker, she placed her things there including her mother's picture, that was the only one she has left she placed her things neatly and closed the locker, she backed the locker looking around the hallway.The students there were talking in small groups, laughing, playing and so on.

Her gaze went to the entrance door and she looked at the group that just walked in. There were four boys and a girl, she had a frown on her pretty  face, speaking in a quiet tune to the boy next to her, while the other boys were busy checking girls out except for a guy, who had on a serious expression.
She saw that the guy was just shrugging to the girl's words. Kristin looked away. She decided to go in search of her class, so as to be on time. She saw it and went in to sit at the back of the class just as the bell rang.
Students came in to the class and later on, the teacher came  in. He was a fat man with bald head.
“Settle down” he said while everyone got to their seat. He pushed his  glasses up,  looked at his time and scanned  round the class. “I heard there's a new student” he began.
Students started murmuring, Kristin hated first day in a new school. This was her third school after the death of her mother. She shook away the sadden thought.
“Is she here? “The teacher asked.
Same people looked back at Kristin, she stood up and  smiled lightly, while a smile also light  up the teacher's face “come come and tell us about yourself, I am Mr. Lee "
“Thank you sir “she faced the class and looked around at them, they were different expression, she noticed the girl from earlier too she was looking at her and bored out of her mind.
“My name is Kristin Morgan, I came from this area… well that’s all “She managed a smile hoping that was enough.
“Okay Kristin, you can go back to your seat” Mr. Lee told her somehow disappointed . Kristin went back to her seat and the teacher started his lesson.
After her first class, she had maths next so she made her way to the class but she go there late.
The teacher was there already. Kristin went to her, to sign her schedule. Thank goodness she was not  told to introduce herself.
“Go and have your seat” the woman whose name was Mrs. Sanda said.
The only empty seat was at the back, so she occupied it.
When it was lunch time Kristin do not wish to draw attention to herself by going into the café so she went to her locker, grab a book  and made way to the library to read.

Going through the book content she collied into a wall… well to someone her books fell “sorry, am so sorry” she quickly apologized.
The person hissed harshly making Kristin step back “next time you better watch where you're going”.
Kristin looked up at the person and a glare was sent her way. Her jaw dropped. He was handsome, she must admit, she saw him with the pretty girl in he morning, but he was frowning and Kristin could smell hatred all the way from him, she has no explanation for that though.
She looked around and saw the girl, arm cross and a boy from earlier also. Kristin swallowed hard, bad day for her
“Sorry” she said again.
“Step away” he told her harshly, pushing her out of the way.
She nearly fell again but the girl supported her “Are you okay? “She asked.
Kristin stared at the girl, the two must be together, she pitted the poor girl, having a relationship with a guy like that must be a lot of work. How she wished her life was perfect. She was lost really lost and... She wasn't expecting anyone to be nice to her not even the girl in front of her, what she was expecting was yelling, shouting and curse words but she was surprised it was the other way round and she stare at the girl like a fool,.
What was that the girl asked again, can't she even appear smart for once in her life?

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