2: I promise

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I picked up my phone to various texts on the group chat.

Molly: omg I can't believe he's here, I'll come over in a hour x

Scarlett: omggg congrats baby! I'll try get over to see you soon as possible

Jack: omg ahh, me and El are coming down x

I got some from the others as-well just congratulating me on him.

The girls all stayed a bit longer before they left and I phone Robbie and Ayda to tell them and I'm gonna bring Romeo to meet them during the week.

The girls had just left so I had my baby boy in my arms again, he is so beautiful I can't get over it

I started dozing off with him sleeping in my arms until I heard a knock on the door and the door opened

Jack and Elliot walked in and I grinned

"Hey R" Jack said quietly and I smiled

"Hey boys" I said and they both came over and gently gave me a hug before looking at the baby in my arms

"Oh wow he's so gorgeous" Elliot said and stroked his head

"He really is" Jack agreed and I nodded

"Very, I couldn't be luckier" I said and they smiled to me

"Your a natural already" Elliot said making me smile

"Gotta be" I said and smiled to them

"Who wants to hold first then" I said as they both took a seat on either side of me

"Me me me" Jack said before Elliot could even open his mouth

Elliot sighed and sat back as I gave him over to Jack

"Reags what's his name" Elliot said

"He's called Romeo" I said and they both nodded and smiled

"I love that, it suits him" Jack said holding him, you could tell he was very cautious of what he was doing

"How have you been Reags" Jack asked looking up at me

"I've been okay, my hormones are everywhere right now" I said and laughed as a tear came down "omg i don't know why I'm crying"

"Aww it's okay to cry babe, I'm sure that's normal, just let it out" Elliot said and hugged me as jack still had Romeo

"Honestly you can be honest with us, we know how upset you must feel" Jack said and I nodded and let out a few tears

"Yeah it's just hard like knowing he's gonna grow up without a dad, I don't want to be the person to take that away from him" I said and sniffed

"Reagan Williams it is not your fault, Louis walked out your life and as well as walking out your life he walked out of romeos, I know he didn't know but he said he loved you and left you, you were hurt, you can't blame yourself, every single person understands why you haven't told him" Elliot said

"I just" I cried "I still love him. So much"

"I know baby I know" Elliot said and let me cry into him

"You know what Reags you don't deserve this, he has put you through hell. But know what, look what you got out of it" Jack said "you got this amazing baby, and everything happens for a reason, you don't need him and I can tell you will be the best mum ever to Romeo!"

"Aww Jack! I don't deserve you boys" I said and jack handed Romeo to Elliot and hugged me

"You deserve the world R, and I hate to say it but he put his career first, you need someone to put you first! I know you love him I know, but now you have this baby to love" Jack said and I nodded

"Your right, I love Romeo so much already, I feel like he's gonna be the one to get me through this" I said "I need to be strong for him"

Ever since me and Louis broke up I haven't been the same. My heart was broken and I was left alone and pregnant while he's in LA with his ex girlfriend

Jacks right, I don't deserve this, he just got up and left, did he even care about me?

"That exactly, don't think about that idiot anymore l, he's gone and that was his choice, you have us and we will promise to be here for you both through everything" Elliot said and I smiled

"I love you guys so much" I said wiping my face and hugging them both

"I love you" they both said at the same time

"Omg Reags he's opening his eyes" Elliot said and got all excited

Jack ran around beside him and saw my baby opening his beautiful eyes

They both took a few pictures

"I can't believe how beautiful he is" Jack said in awe

"Hello" Elliot said in a baby voice and stroked his cheek with his finger "I'm your uncle Elliot"

"And I'm your favourite uncle jack" Jack said gently earning a glare from Elliot making me laugh

They gave me a present for Romeo from them and the boys and it was 3 really cute little outfits and a pair of baby trainers for when he gets bigger

We spoke a bit more till Molly walked in and squealed

"Omg Reags" she said and ran over to me and hugged me "I missed you so much"

"I missed you too" I said and smiled to her

"How are you doing" she asked pulling away from the hug

"I'm doing okay, still a bit sore but was worth it" I said and she grinned

She turned to Elliot and gasped as she saw the baby

"This is Romeo" Elliot said grinning

"Oh Romeo, that's beautiful, he's so beautiful Reagan" Molly said gushing over him as he lay contently

We all spoke for a bit before all three of them left me alone with my baby in my arms

I just held him and felt a tear fall from my eyes  as I looked at him

"I love you so much, I promise, and I promise I will try to be the best mummy ever, I will always be here, you look so much like your daddy" I said as i felt a few tears

"I know you don't even understand what I'm saying" I laughed slightly as I sniffed "I miss him so much you know, he was really something special, we didn't know each other that long, but long enough to know that he has my heart. He would be the best daddy to you and I'm sorry that he's not here, I know that I shouldn't be the one to keep him away and I will never forgive myself for that, but I hope you can forgive me RoRo, I love you so much"

My tears fell as I wiped them with the hand Romeo wasn't laying on.

His eyes fell closed as I smiled slightly

He was my new priority and I had to forget about Louis and focus on this angel. I have to let it go and be strong for Romeo.

He was the new love of my life.

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