4: Familiar faces

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Ever since Lottie told me yesterday that Louis is planning on coming back to London it's all I could think about

First of all because if I see him around it's gonna be very awkward especially if he sees I have a baby.
Second I know it sounds selfish but I'm not gonna be able to see the girls as much cause I assume he would be going to Lotties more often
And third because he's most likely coming back with his girlfriend

I feel sick, I feel physically sick.

Today Robbie and Ayda are coming over to meet the little one and they are bringing the kids and later on after that all of the United vibe boys are coming over as only Jack and Elliot have met my baby.

The past few days have been crazy with Romeo being born and everyone wanting to meet him, but it's been amazing

Romeo has made me feel a love I never thought possible, I just adore him.

I see him begin to stir in the cot set up next to my bed which he will stay in till he's big enough to go into his room by himself.

I left him as he wasn't crying and seemed quite settled but lay watching him. He was a really good baby, barely has cried apart from when he needs fed or when he does a poop.

He looked up at me with his beautiful blue eyes which I love so very much and I just lay watching my baby boy.

I stroked his hair and sighed

"Well we better get up mister before everyone comes over" I said in my baby voice knowing he won't understand me.

I picked him up carefully and lay him in my arms and we went through to the living room/ kitchen.

I made a bowl of cereal one handed while Romeo lay in my other arm and then sat on the couch and fed him through my boob while I ate.

I got my phone out and saw it was 9am.

Ro woke up 2 times during the night for a feed but they were just mini ones so it wasn't horrible.

Robbie and Ayda were coming over around 10:30, they are in the Uk right now anyway luckily.

I replied to all my texts and was scrolling through twitter and one head line caught my eyes and I just about choked

Former one direction band member Louis Tomlinson spotted at LAX assumed to be travelling to London with his on-off again girlfriend Eleanor Calder

My eyes widened, I thought I had a week

I took a screen shot and sent it to Lottie

R: I thought I had a week! Lottie what is this is he coming today

Lottie: omg what? Reags I swear I didn't know he told us he was coming next week. Omg. It's fine calm your fine, the chances of you seeing him are 1 out of 100

I nodded. She's right. It's London. I am never gonna see him.

R: okay okay you're right, I'll speak to you later way to nip to Tesco with Romeo! Love you x

Lottie: exactly babe, alls good. Okay dokey have fun, I'll see you soon, me, Dais and Phee will come over soon xx

I smiled and turned to my baby who was still awake but finished feeding

"Well let's go get ready and nip to the shops before everyone's here" I said and stroked his cheek "you really are a gorgeous boy"

He just stared into my eyes, his eyes reminded me so much of Louis, everything about him was just Louis, apart from the lips and hair. He has my big lips and he has a full head of dark hair like mine.

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