17: Honesty

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Lottie phoned Louis yesterday to tell him I'm willing to let him see Romeo and he was over the moon

Today I need to go talk to him and Lottie's and I'm dreading it.

Lottie said her and the girls have went out to give us some time alone and Liam and Niall are gonna watch Romeo.

Me and Niall have been texting non stop since yesterday and If I'm honest I am so excited to see him again.

When I told him Li was gonna look after Romeo he insisted that he wanted to aswell.

They are coming to my house to babysit at 11ish. Then I'm gonna head to Lotties to see Louis

I am dreading it, this is the first time I'm proper facing him since everything.

What am I gonna say, what is it gonna be like, ugh I'm gonna me sick

I got up and got me and Ro ready before we heard the door and I put Romeo on his mat before opened it to see Liam and Niall

"Reagan" Niall shouted and hugged me as I hugged back

I smiled into his shoulder and I remembered Liam was there.

"Hey li" I said pulling away

"Hi Reags" Liam said also giving me a hug

"Where's my boy at" Niall asked and I pointed the living room

Niall tan through leaving me and Liam

"You two a thing now" Liam asked and I shrugged

"I don't know to be honest, he stayed a couple of nights and left yesterday and we get along well but obviously Louis and that it's complicated" I said and Liam nodded and we went through

"How you feeling" Liam asked me

"Scared and every other word to do with scared, I could be sick" i said

"You will be fine just remember your doing it for Romeo" Niall said and I nodded

"Always" I said and hugged both the boys before kissing my baby and hugging him

Romeo loved Niall and Liam so I know he will be perfectly fine with them.

He gets strange with people he's not used to but obviously Liam looked after him the other day and Niall stayed.

"Bye boys" I said and they both sent me smiles

"Good luck stay calm" Niall said and I blew him a kiss

I left and got in my car sighing as I felt like I was gonna be sick

I drove to Lotties which wasn't too far from my house.

When I arrived I took a deep breath and got out my car locking it and tried not to be sick

I walked into Lotties house which I usually would

"Lottie" I shouted and looked in the living room

I Heard footsteps and turned behind me to see Louis, he had a grey track suit on, his hair was long and swept in front of his face and his eyes had massive bags

I felt my breath hitch in my throat

"She left already" he said and I nodded

I walked into the living room and sat down, he followed and it was a awkward silence

"Can we please just get this done" I said looking around avoiding him

"Yeah" Louis said

I sighed and shook my head putting it in my hands

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