Episode 2

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Before leaving for the party at Reyan's place, I call Amaira and ask, "Hey Amaira, should I bring a gift for your friend as I am coming uninvited and for first time?" "Miesha, don't be so formal but if you insist just get a bottle of wine, I know everyone will drink it," she replies. "Okay cool thanks, I'll meet you in the lobby at 9, see you."

I get ready wearing a casual outing cami top with lace neckline and high waisted jeans. Amaira said it is going to be at home only so I think this would be apt. I leave my hair open and apply some foundation, blush, highlighter, mascara and lipstick. We all meet downstairs and leave for Reyan's house.

"Hey so tell me about your friends, should I be worried about someone?" I ask nervously.

Sanjana laughs and says, "No, just be yourself. I like you so that means everyone else will also. I have high rank at making friends, so my approval is final. Riya is street smart and extrovert. She loves coding and parties equally. Zain is a little closed off at first but when he opens to you, hell be like a cuddly bear. He is a really good photographer. Advait is a flirt and completely different than Zain and I guess that is why they can work so well together. Advait will definitely make a move on you so be careful. And lastly Reyan is a sweetheart and a gentleman."

"Wow, thanks a lot, I hope my nerves calm down soon."

"Chill, just relax and think you are partying with your friends", Amaira says.

We reach Reyan's place.

We ring the bell to his place and "Hey, wassup Amaira, Sanjana and your gorgeous friend. I understood this might be Advait.

"Hey, Advait stop flirting and let us enter", Sanjana says.

We all enter and hand our coats. I see there are around 10 people already, started drinking and chatting. Amaira and hug and greet everyone and I feel awkward.

"Hello everyone, this is Miesha, sister of a close friend of mine, she recently moved into this city for her job and is living in the same building as ours. Miesha this is everyone. This is Riya," Amaira introduces me to this pretty girl of 55 height in a beautiful dress. She gave me a handshake and smiled. I smiled back and said hi.

"This is Zain," Zain just gave me a nod and got back into his laptop. He was exactly like how Sanjana explained.

"This is Advait, who opened the door." Advait just went for it and gave me a hug, that was weird but felt good. I awkwardly hugged back and patted his back.

"Hey, new girl, welcome to our city. If you need anything, just look at me, Ill do anything for you," Advait says to me. "Okay thanks, will keep that in my mind." I say that just to get that topic over. Advait was this 510 well fit man, looked as if he gyms 5 hours daily, and he was wearing a neat shirt and jeans. And after that Sanjana started laughing and told Advait to behave.

"And this is Reyan, the host of this party." This handsome 6-foot guy, like Advait but doesn't look like he would gym so much. He was wearing a polo t-shirt and jeans.

"Hi I'm Reyan welcome, I hope you have settled in well." Reyan introduces himself. Oh my, his voice is so smooth, I'm tongue tied. "Hi, I'm Miesha, yes I moved in yesterday, settling well. I have brought a bottle of wine, I hope you like red." I reach out the bottle towards Reyan. "You should not have done that. Drinks on the host always. But thanks though, you can keep that on the table and please make a drink for yourself." With that Reyan excuses himself and I go over the table to keep the bottle and make myself a very light vodka + ginger ale drink. I join the others.

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