Episode 14

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I haven't been this nervous for anything before. I think and rethink what I have to tell Advait and how I can be caring when I tell him this.

I texted Zain about this and told him I would require him as back up. He replied saying yes and wishing me luck.

I open the door and greet Advait. He gives me a hug and I let it continue for long because I dont know if I'll be getting his hug in future or not.

"Hey, you don't seem good, are you fine?"

"Yes, do you mind if we sit and talk. So Reyan came back yesterday and with that a realization hit me yesterday very strongly. I always had this thought in the back of my mind. I came here last year, and this year has been amazing, finding you all, caring and respecting you, working in a great company and finally being happy. However, I have had this thought in the back of my mind which I haven't been true about. You are a great guy, funny caring intelligent handsome and more over you understand me. But I don't feel the same for you as you for me, I tried and tried to get where you are at in this relationship but failed miserably and yesterday, I understood this is not fair to you. I can't love you, because I love someone else, I have loved him before we started dating but was afraid to get rejected and have this one-sided thing. I am sorry for hurting you, that was never my intention. If you don't want to talk to me or see me, I'm fine with that. I won't even hang out with the group, they are your friends first than mine, I don't want to spoil that. I am really sorry." I finish my speech.

"I knew this was coming, but I didn't know it would take you this long. I knew there was something wrong with our relationship, but I always oversighted it, I didn't want to overthink about it and let it go away. Is it Reyan whom you like?" he asks.

I was shocked, how did he know?

"Yes, how did you guess?"

"Before we started dating, I saw how you behaved with him and how you would have a love look for him. I was afraid you wouldn't say yes to me because of that but when you did, I erased those thoughts in my mind. When he announced he was going away, I saw the look on your face, as if something dear to you is leaving you and I waited for you to tell me this is not working. You didn't, we had our 6-month anniversary trip, so many dates and all but you never told me. I knew after Reyan came, you would behave differently, and you did. Your hug yesterday was a sign of that. You don't have to be sorry for your feelings. I am even glad I could be with such a beautiful, wholehearted and talented girl for a year also. I haven't been like this before and you have changed me, so thank you. I also don't have any bad feelings for you and dare you tell me to stay away from you, you will always be my best friend first. I can always flirt with you in a healthy way right, we're ex."

"Hahaha. Yes, I would always want you to be my best friend. Thank you so much Advait for understanding. I like this you and I am glad I could see that."

We hug it out.

"For your information, your lover boy also likes you. When he was leaving, he whispered into my ear to take care of something that he doesn't have and is very precious to him. When I thought about it, I thought he meant his BMW, but I didn't know he meant you. After some days I realized he meant you and how much it would have killed him to give you away and stay away from you. You have my blessings and go and tell him how you feel."

I have never been so happy. Reyan also likes me, mostly, I think.

Now I have to ask him out and I have to do it in the best way possible. I don't care if he accepts and rejects my proposal, but I have to do one thing right in my life and that is this. I have always feared proposing first but not now, its do or die.

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