Episode 9

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Recently, I have been hanging out with Advait, Zain and Amaira a lot.

Sanjana isn't in town and Riya is going out with her new boyfriend these days and Reyan hasn't been very active on the group.

I want to ask why, but I am keeping my distance and not dwelling more into it.

Amaira is constantly bothering me with Advait liking me and how he behaves differently around me. I haven't noticed that much.

Yes, I like Advait a lot, he is fun to be with and always creates a good surrounding for me, but I haven't seen him in that way.

Amaira also told me that he has changed his ways, and stopped his playboy attitude, he has been saying no to girls. I am glad he is like that now, but I don't think it is because of me.

Advait texted me that he wanted to take me to a place which is on my bucket list and even told me to dress up so we could take photos.

I am so excited, I wanted to go there for such a long time.

I get ready in a dress, jean jacket and sneakers.

I meet Advait at his car and we leave for the destination.

It is an hour-long drive to this tulips field. It is open only for 3 months during spring and they have different colors and varieties of tulips.

It is so serene. "Omg this is beautiful. I'm so happy I could visit this before this gets closed for the year. Thank you so much for this Advait."

"Hey, don't get too emotional on me. I would always do this for you. You wanted to go here, and I somehow got hold of the tickets. It is really picturesque here. Come lets take some pictures and explore around."

After going over all fields and green houses, we stop at the café in middle of the area, it had artistic elements with flowers everywhere and was empty, which was weird.

"Why is the café empty, aren't we supposed to be here? Where are everyone?" I ask.

"So, I lied to you about something, I didn't somehow get hold of the tickets. I contacted the management here and told them that I like this girl a lot and she loves this place and it would be great if I could ask her to be my girlfriend somewhere here and they said yes. So, what I am saying is that Miesha I like you in a deep way and I haven't felt this for anyone before. Would you be my girlfriend?"

Oh wait what how why and when!? I am shocked, I didn't know Amaira was right. Did I give this feeling to Advait?

"Can you say something, I'm nervous as hell. I haven't been so scared in my entire life. If its a no, I'll understand, don't feel bad for me." Advait says.

"No Advait, I'm just shocked. I'm understanding when and how did this happen. I don't want you to feel bad, but could I have some time to soak everything in and think about it? I do like you a lot, but I don't want this to be just a fling. I am not saying no but I just need some time." I tell.

"Yes sure, please till the time you don't say no, I'm giving you all the time. Do you wanna go back home and think about it? I don't want you to think this is going to be a fling, I really like you."

"That would be great. You're such a good friend and you understand me very well. Thank you."

We drive back and he drops me home. I rush to Amaira's house and tell her everything.

"I told you so, I told you he likes you. This is so good. You guys would look so cute together. What are you going to say to him?" she asks.

"I'm still thinking. I haven't dated in a while and my last one didn't go very well so I want to be really cautious this time."

"Do you like someone else?"

I want to say yes, it is Reyan and to think about it, he doesn't like me so why complicate things.

"No, I don't like anyone. I think I need the night to think about it and talk to Advait tomorrow. Ill see you tomorrow."

"Cool, let me know what you decide. I'm here for you."

"Thanks, see you."

I go home and only thing going in my mind is what to do about this situation.

Reyan doesn't like me, he still clearly has feelings for Riya.

Oh, now to think about it, I guess Riya having a new boyfriend is affecting Reyan and which is why he isn't hanging out with us coz he thinks Riya would be with us.

I am not waiting for someone now. I have waited for someone for a long time before and wouldn't want to make the same mistake again.

A guy likes me, and I care about him a lot and like him, I could always get more feelings for him and get to the same stage as him. I think I have decided my answer.

I text Advait to meet me for brunch tomorrow. He replies yes.

We meet the next day and right after ordering our food, I tell him, "So to cut to the chase and I know you know our topic of discussion, I was shocked yesterday when you shared your feelings because I didn't think you like me. I like how we spend our time; I love your jolly behavior and you always bring a smile to my face everytime I am down. I really care for you and like you, however I am not in that stage where you are, but I would like to work and be with you and smile more. So Advait, yes I would like to be your girlfriend."

"Omg are you serious, I thought you were going to reject me and that is why you took me out for brunch. Thank you, I will never hurt you and disappoint you."

We hug and I can see a big smile on his face. I am so happy and seeing him happy makes me smile more.

"How do you want to tell everyone? Lets do something funny." I ask.

"Lets call everyone at your place telling them you have fell and broken a body part or something. Everyone will come running, that might be funny coz they'll be pissed to see you in one shape but us telling them about us with convert to happiness."

Advait texts everyone in the group and tell them he is getting me home and called them there.

We reach home and the first person who comes in is Amaira and she yells at us for planning a bad prank. We calm her down and tell her to wait for the reason we did this.

Zain comes, then Riya with her bae and lastly Reyan. Reyan looked worried but relieved after he came to know it was a prank. I don't meet his eyes; I don't know how hell react to the news about me and Advait.

We video call Sanjana who is spamming us with messages about what happened.

"Okay guys, Miesha didn't have an accident. It was a prank and we are sorry, but we wanted all to come soon and everyone present for us to announce some news. Without any hype, I cant wait to tell you all that Miesha and I are dating now."

"Oh, wait what." "Who am I kidding? Advait had told me I knew it I'm shocked but happy also" Zain, Amaira and Riya squeal.

Reyan has no reaction, he had a poker face all time.

There's hugging and dancing and making plans but I can only focus on Reyan's face. I wanted a reaction and he didn't have any, so now I know he doesn't like me. In my mind I know I have taken a good decision. I can give Advait a chance.

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