Episode 8

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It has been a month since the trip, and I am keeping some distance from Reyan.

After the trip, I realized that Reyan might still have feelings for Riya and I don't want to go in the same path like the past where I love the guy, but the guy loves someone else.

Therefore, I am distancing myself from him.

He keeps texting to ask about my whereabouts, but I keep my replies to the minimum.

I have reduced going out with the group also. Amaira always asks my reasons for not coming but I evade her questions.

I hear the doorbell ring and see Advait at the door.

"Advait, hi, why are you here?"

"Miesha, no questions asked, I am her to kidnap you and take you somewhere, so follow me quietly or I can make a scene out here."

Without asking any questions, I leave with him. I was in no mood to argue.

We reach the place and I see its a bowling arcade.

When we enter the place, I am greeted with a huge hug from Zain.

"You know I missed our debates." Zain says.

"I miss that too Zain, but I have been busy with work a lot."

I see Amaira, Sanjana and Reyan standing near a bowling alley.

Shit, its Reyan, what am I going to say?

I say hi to everyone, mainly focusing on Reyan.

"See I told I'll bring her here, I win, and the dinner is on you Amaira." Advait says.

"Seriously Miesha, I call you and you say no to me, but you gladly agreed to Advait, thats unfair." Amaira scolds me.

"I am sorry, I didn't know where we were going. He was going to make a scene outside my house, and I didn't want that, so I came. Are we playing bowling?"

"Yes, we are. I bought 5 tickets earlier, but I can get yours now that we know you have come." This was the first time Reyan spoke today and it let as if he was taunting me.

"No worries I will get my ticket, just wait for me." I left with a sting in my heart from his words, I settle myself and buy my ticket.

"So how are we going to do this? Lets play in teams of 3 each. Advait and Reyan are captains, choose your teammates." Sanjana suggests.

In the coin toss, Advait wins and chooses me first, I am glad I am not in Reyan's team.

Reyan chooses Zain, then Advait chooses Sanjana and Amaira is in Reyan's team.

We start playing and I notice Reyan has being very aggressive while bowling, I want to ask if he is fine but didn't want to bother him.

After playing we have dinner and Advait suggests dropping me, Amaira and Sanjana at home, but Amaira and Sanjana already have plans to go somewhere out and that leaves me with Advait.

I hug all of them bye except Reyan, he is acting weird and closed off again. He doesn't even look at me, he is on his phone all the time and I leave with Advait.

While during the ride, Advait asks if I had fun and I smile and say yes, but deep down I didn't have fun, I felt alone and hurt with Reyan not reacting to me.

I reach home and see a message from our girls group (Amaira, Sanjana, Riya and I). The text message says Miesha and Advait sitting on a tree, kissing.

They start teasing me with Advait and say they ship us. I haven't thought of Advait like that in romantic way. I let them continue because it doesn't matter much.

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