Episode 10

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Work has been stressing. I have been getting more projects and managing all is getting out of control.

I haven't been giving Advait a lot of time also. I feel bad. I have this project and the client is a financial institution and I have less knowledge on finance and due to that I cannot run any useful analysis.

Advait suggests asking Reyan as he had taken finance during his undergrad. I say no for reasons known to you all. But Advait insists and he called Reyan to come meet us.

"Hey, Reyan how are you doing? Where are you man? We see so less of you now."

"Hi, yeah I have been busy with work and other things. Though you both have been busy also."

"Hehe, no, this one is stressing with her projects and one of her project involves finance and she needs help in that. Do you mind helping her? You have knowledge of analytics and finance and it would be great if you could help her with that. Also, I am being selfish as when she completes this project, we both can be together for more time."

"Yeah sure, I don't mind." Reyan says.

"If its a burden for you and you have your own thing to do then its fine, I won't mind. Just don't say yes and leave your priorities away." I ask Reyan.

"You are a priority too, Advait asks for my help which becomes a priority to me."

Kill me now.

"Great you both continue, and I'll take my leave, I don't want to get bored with all this thing. Bye sweetheart." He gives me a kiss on cheek and leaves.

"Thanks, Reyan, I'll set up my computer and you can get yourself comfortable."

We start working, he is quite smart and intellectual. I learnt a lot about important analysis for financial markets.

We work for 3 hours straight and I tell him that we should take a break. I make coffee for us and we sit near the balcony.

With a long silent pause, I start the conversation.

"So Reyan how are you doing? We don't see you often."

"I'm good, been busy with things. I have been going to gym often now and working out and meditating as well. How are you? You guys look happy together."

"I'm great, yeah its new now but its going good."

"I was surprised that Advait asked you out. He was very shy to ask; he had told me once. How do you like him? Is he treating you well?"

"I didn't know you knew; I knew Advait had told Zain. He is a charmer and a good gentleman. What about you? Are you dating anyone?"

"Well, I like this girl, but she is already taken so I have been trying to move on."

"Yeah I saw Riya and her boyfriend, I think she likes him dearly, sorry I don't want to make you sad."

"Riya and her boyfriend don't make me sad, why do you say that?"

"Well you still like Riya, her dating someone will obviously make you jealous and sad but try to move on in your pace and it surely will go away, ask the expert."

"Wait I don't like Riya." He stops and then says, "Chuck that, lets go back to you both, do you love Advait."

"I don't love Advait but... Yes, I think I'm falling for him." I didn't want to say that but I don't want him to think that there is something in my mind affecting me.

He looks at me seriously, gives no reaction as usual, nods and takes my laptop.

We don't touch that topic again and complete my project.

We finish, call for dinner and then he leaves.

I text Advait thanking him for asking Reyan, it was very helpful, and I am satisfied that my project is done.

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